{BAD... 56}

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Thursday Night~

Arlene's POV:

It's been a year and I still haven't given up. I don't know where my daughter is. She was supposed to stay in Florida County Jail, but she broke out and ran off with some crook.

Michael Jackson.

When I find that man, I'll have him killed. The FBI was looking all over for them and I'd be notified when and if they found something.

But so far... nothing.

Then I got the call.

"Honey! Come in here!" I yelled. He rushed into the kitchen and I answered the phone.

"Officer Dillman!!" I exclaimed as I answered the call.

"Hi Arlene." She replied. "We have some good news! We tracked them down in Brazil and the FBI has gone out to get them."

I sighed a huge sigh of relief.

"I want to see my daughter as soon as possible. Can we go with them?" My husband asked.

I repeated the question through the receiver. Officer Dillman told me if we got down to the station quick enough it would be possible.

It was going to be a fun trip.


2 Days Later...

Saturday Night~

Alexis's POV:

I couldn't stop looking at my ring. I had a husband and a daughter that I loved so much. I couldn't be any luckier.

But there was always a string of bad luck around the corner.

Carlos, Maria and Andre came into the living area. "Andre and I are going on to go sell these bags." Carlos said.

Michael nodded. "Thanks man, I needed some time for my family." He said as he smiled at me.

Carlos nodded. "No problem."

"I'm going to run to the store." Maria said. "The fridge is getting emptier."

I gave her a thumbs up. "Thanks guys." I said.

"We'll be back." Andre said.

They left the house and shut the door behind him.


Michael, Paris, and I sat in front of the TV watching Peter Pan. Paris and Michael loved that movie.

They both chomped away at a bowl of popcorn. They tore the whole thing up.

Michael sucked his teeth as he realized there were only kernels left. "Let me go make some more. I'll be right back." He said.

He took the bowl and went into the kitchen. He had only been gone for a second before we heard it fall to the floor.

"Michael?" I called.

He ran into the living room, looking absolutely mortified . "We have to go. We need to leave now! Get Paris and—"


Oh my God.

Michael looked terrified. Seeing him look so shaken up terrified me.

They started trying to bust down the front door. I grabbed Paris off the couch and ran to the back door.

They had us surrounded. I started to grasp the situation. This was bad.

Michael grabbed my hand and we started running toward the stairs. We passed the front door as they broke it off it's hinges. We were caught. Paris started crying hysterically and I held onto her tighter.

One of the officers snatched Paris out of my arms. I started throwing punches at him, but ended up hurting my own fists from hitting his solid gear. A familiar woman and man came in and took Paris from the officer.

"Mom? Dad?" I screamed. They both looked at me with the most despising look.

The officers started trying to pull Michael and I away from each other. "Don't let go of my hand!" Michael yelled. I tightened my grip.

More officers came to help the one trying to pry us apart. Our hands unclasped.

"No!" Michael protested. He wiggled out of the grasp of the officer who was restraining him. He reached for his gun on the nearby table and aimed it at the officers.

"I'll shoot all of you!" He said. "I'll fucking shoot you al-"

I screamed as I watch his body fall to the ground.

That was the last glimpse on him I saw before being hauled away into the swat truck.

I couldn't think, I couldn't feel. I could only scream. They took my baby, and they killed the man that I loved.


I blacked out for the majority of the helicopter ride back to the states. I couldn't think. It hurt too much.

Here I was, back in prison.

The officers escorted me through the hallways and to an interrogation room.

They sat me down in a chair across from a detective. She read my rights before she began interrogating.

"So, Ms. Daldry-"

"Mrs. Jackson." I corrected.

She cleared her throat. "Ms. Daldry." She repeated coldly. "Can you tell me about the last year you've spent with Michael and the things that he's done?"

I shook my head. "You won't get a statement out of me. That's my husband. You can't make me say anything against him."

She raised a brow. "Do you guys have a marriage license?" She asked.

"I have a ring." I said, showing her my wedding band.

She shook her head. "Anyone can buy a ring, sweetheart. That is not your husband."

"Yes he is! That is my husband! He's the love of my life, you animals killed him!" I cried.

The lady sighed. "Did he take you from the prison against your will?" She asked.

"I'm not answering any of your fucking questions."  I said.

"Ms. Daldry-"


She groaned loudly. "You have the right to remain silent, but please know that what you say can and will be used against you in court." She said.

"I don't give a fuck about the court. You guys can kill me for all I care. You've taken my daughter, and killed my husband. I hate you all!"

The lady pinched her nose. "This interrogation clearly is going nowhere. I'm going to end this." She said

When my court date came, I was quiet as a mouse. I listened as they read off all of my charges. I didn't even care. I had nothing to lose anymore.

I was sentenced to life in Arizona State Prison, a Maximum security facility.

I was inmate 182042 again, and I was absolutely alone.

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