{BAD... 13}

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Thursday Night~

Alexis's POV:

"What do you want?" I asked. Smiley came out to where I was. "Don't be so rude now." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "I just want to know what the fuck is happening." I said.

He sat down next to me. "That's what I'm here to tell you."

"Great." I said. "Carry on."

"It's a long story." He said.

I raised a brow. "I'm listening."

He took a deep breath before proceeding. "Michael is a dangerous man."

"Well no duh."

"You may not know this about him, but he's a drug dealer. That's where he gets all his money.

He and my brother used to be good friends. He would get his drugs from Michael. The one time he didn't make a payment, Michael killed him without a second thought. Their friendship didn't matter. It was about the money. That's all he cares about." Smiley explained.

This shocked me. Not that I didn't think Michael was apposed to killing someone, it just surprised me that he killed a one of his own friends.

"I don't even know what to say." I said. Smiley nodded. "That's understandable. You should be glad that we saved you from him." He said.

I remained quiet. Even after what he'd just told me, I'm still drawn to him.

"You're happy that we've saved you, aren't you?" He asked. I turned and looked into his eyes. "Thank you." I said.

He nodded. "Of course. Genesis was real worried about you being around someone like him."

I don't blame Genesis for having concerns, but she doesn't understand. I don't even understand.

"Why so quiet?" Smiley asked. I sighed. "I'm just taking it all in. So much has happened and... I'm scared." I admitted.

Smiley tucked my hair behind my ear. "I know you don't know who I am, but you're safe. You're away from the real danger, who is Michael. I won't let anything happen to you."

We stared quietly at each other, taking in the moment. I felt a strong urge to kiss him. Possibly because our faces were so close.

He picked up on my vibe and leaned in. Our lips touched.

It's a shame how corrupted my mind has become. As our lips moved, I compared it to Michael's kiss. They didn't move in rhythm like Michael's. His taste wasn't as sweet. My senses were begging for anything more.

I pushed all the thoughts away and tried to truly enjoy this kiss.

Michael's POV:

I hadn't spoken the whole car ride. I was too heated to even form words.  I stopped the car in front of the house. I got out and slammed the door, then proceeded to march angrily into the house.

This whole night has been awful. I lost a girl, and I got shot in the arm. I'm either adjusting to the pain, or losing feeling in my arm.

"Cmon, man. Chill out." Carlos said.

I turned around and faced him. "You don't understand. She's not with us. She could get us all caught! You know she isn't street smart!" I said.

Carlos nodded. "Yes, I do know that."

I took a deep breath and turned around. I took one step forward and stepped on an envelope.

It said "OPEN" in the same sloppy handwriting as the last.

"I know this nigga didn't." I mumbled to myself. I bent down and picked it up off the floor. "I'm not reading this shit." I said, throwing it on the counter.

"It could be important." Carlos said. I scoffed. "Nothing he has to say is important."

"You could be wrong."

"Im not listening to you anymore, man. I listed to you today and look where it got us!" I yelled. "If your so curious, then you read it."

I grabbed the first aid kit out of the counter and walked into the living room. I untied my arm and took off my shirt. I inspected the wound closely. It was a deep one.

I grabbed a bandage roll and began wrapping my bicep.

Sasha came into the room and gasped. "Oh my fucking god!" She screamed. I rolled my eyes. "Calm down, girl. I'm fine." I said, as I continued to wrap my arm.

"Let me help you." She insisted. She grabbed ahold of the bandage roll and began wrapping my arm.

"I don't need you to do to that." I said. I took the bandage out of her hands.

Michelle came into the room with an ice pack. She pressed it firmly onto the wound  causing me to inhale sharply.

"Stop that!" I yelped. I threw the ice pack across the room.

"You're hurting him!" Sasha chastised. Michelle glared at her. "I'm only trying to help him!" She said.

Sasha slapped Michelle across the face. She retaliated by grabbing a chunk of Sasha's hair. I rolled my eyes.

"Stop!" I yelled. "If I wanted to watch a cat fight, I'd go in the back alley! I don't need either of you. Tonight's not the night, So both of you, out!"

They both turned and walked drearily out of the room.

"Ayo, Mike!" Carlos called. "You need to read this!" He said. I secured my bandage and walked back into the kitchen.

Carlos handed me the note and I read over it myself.


Remember how I told you I'd strip you of everything?

This is only the beginning of that.

I gripped the paper with as much force as I could out of anger.

He's got Alexis.

My girl.

"Start the truck, Carlos. Let's go!" I said. I hurried into the living room and threw on my shirt. When I came back. Carlos hadn't moved.

"What the hell are you waiting for? Move!" I ordered.

"Where are we even going?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "To get Alexis!" I said in annoyance at his ignorance.

"Yes, I understand that. But from where?"

Oh... right.

I paused for a moment. "I actually have no idea." I admitted.

What the hell am I going to do now?

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