{BAD... 12}

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Thursday Night~

Michael's POV:

"Alexis!" I called out angrily as I burst through the doors of my club. Heads turned in fear. I didn't acknowledge them one bit.

I weaved through people, scanning every face for Alexis.

I gave up on faces and began scanning bodies. I figured that be easier. I'd never seen a body like her's. She's got the nicest legs, and perfectly shaped hips I could ever imagine.

Stop it, Michael. Just find her and go.

"You find her yet?" Carlos asked as he approached me. I shook my head no.

"What was she wearing?" Andre asked. "Sequin dress. You couldn't miss is." I answered.

"She's definitely not in here." Carlos said as he looked around at the dresses of the other women present.

I groaned. "I told her to stay with me!" I complained.

"Lets just go home, man." Carlos said. I shot him an angry look. "So were supposed to just leave her wherever she may be?"

"It won't affect us." Andre said. "You act like you lost gold or something, man! You still have Sasha and Michelle."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "That's not the same thing, dumbass! She's out alone somewhere in the streets! She can't handle that!" I said.

"You really about care about her?" Carlos asked, soundly significantly surprised.

It's the weirdest feeling I'd ever felt. Actually caring for someone. I'd always taken pride in my lack of concern and emotion. That's been changing since the arrival of Alexis in my life, and that's a scary thing for me to admit. And I have yet to confess.

"Never that!" I denied. "She could get caught, and possibly they would trace her back to us!" I said.

"Well did she run away? Or did someone take her?" Andre asked. I rolled my eyes. "How the fuck am I supposed to know?"

"I think she might've run away. I don't think she likes you, man." Carlos said. I gave him a crazy look.

I beg to differ, Carlos.

I waved him off. "All women like me. Someone definitely took her. I just don't know who."

Alexis's POV:

A man got into the driver's seat of the car. "Hello, Alexis." He said.

"Who are you?" I asked in return. "I'll explain everything to you in a bit." He said.

I slumped down in my seat and pouted.

Genesis leaned closer to me. "That's my brother, Smiley. He was locked up with Michael. They're arch enemies."

Now this makes sense.

I sat up with a look of fury in my eyes. "Am I the pawn being used here as revenge?" I asked. Genesis sighed. "Yes and no."

"Oh hell no!" I protested. I began tugging at the door. "Let me out this damn car right now-"

One of the men sitting in the backseat with Genesis and me covered my mouth and tangled me in seatbelts.

"I know that sounds bad, but once we explain, you'll understand."

Oh yeah. I'd love to hear what they have to say.

I turned away from Genesis and gazed out the window. I noticed some landmarks and familiar signs. It looked like he was driving us back to Michael's mansion.

Sure enough, outside of the mansion is where Smiley parked. He stepped out of the car with an envelope in his hand.

I eagerly struggled against the seatbelts, trying to get myself loose. Genesis held me still. "Calm down, Alexis. You're not going back in there. You won't want to after we explain."

I glared at her. "After we explain."

I need my damn explanation now!

Smiley dropped the envelope in the mail slot before returning back to the car. I prayed silently that whatever was inside that envelope would lead Michael back to me.

Why do I want to be with him so much? He's a criminal. He's a murder! He's bad.


He pulled into the driveway of a house on the shore of the beach. We were about ten miles down the road from Michael's mansion.

Why was I considering running back to him? He's done nothing for me, and probably doesn't even care about me.

He's living his best life with Sasha and the blonde, not even looking for me. I denied whatever parts of me that are drawn to him.

They're delusional.

Genesis untangled me from the seatbelts. "Promise me you won't run once I let you free." She said. I sighed. "Promise."

She let go of me and allowed me to open the door. I followed closely behind her into the house, not saying a word.

"You should be on your knees thanking us right now, Alexis." She said. I shook my head. "I don't know what to think about anything. Nobody is explaining what the fuck is happening."

Genesis huffed. "We'll get to that." She said. "Just not right now. Is there anything I can do for you in the meantime?"

I sighed. "I just need to be alone." I said. Genesis nodded. "Whatever you do, don't run away." She ordered. I nodded. "I won't."

I walked to the back door and slid open the glass doors that led to the beach. The waves crashed over the high tide of the night. I walked further onto the beach and sat on the sand, hugging my knees into my chest.

This past week has been insane. I don't know what's going on, or what I'm involved in. I'm scared for my life.

In the midst of all my confusion, uncertainty, and fear, there was Michael.

Genesis is right. I'm having a Stockholm syndrome-like experience. My mind can't comprehend all that I'd been through this week, and it's looking for comfort in someone who is sick, twisted, and dangerous.

Someone like Michael.

All those times I was left with only my thoughts, the only thing I wanted to think about was him. And here I am again, left to my own thoughts.

My thoughts about Michael.

I hate that I find comfort in him. I tell myself that the only thing I like about him is his face and body. The way he looks. I don't want, need, or like him. It's only lust. Nothing more than that.

I focused on the crashing of the waves to redirect my thoughts from my Michael. I closed my eyes and imagined myself running into the salty ocean water. Splashing round, feeling the wet sand between my toes.

My mind took the image and ran with it.

I turned around and Michael stood right behind me with a smile. I returned the gesture to him. I stepped closer to him and he did the same.

We stood there for a moment, under in the moon and in the water. He pulled me by my waist and continued to look into my eyes. I placed my hands on his chest and felt the beating of his heart.

He lowered his head so his lips could meet mine. This kiss was much like the one we shared in my room. Just much more passionate. He sent shivers down my spine. I had goosebumps all over. I wasn't worried about the fact that he killed people in cold blood. I could only feel this moment. I could only feel him.

"Hello Alexis." A voice said from behind me.

I snapped out of my imagination. I turned around and saw Smiley standing behind me.

Thank God.

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