CHAPTER 5: Explanation of the spirits

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Jiro has been out cold but Shurui took him to care, Taka is no where to be found

JIRO: *slowly waking up* whoa, where am i...

SHURUI: *mumble mumble mumble*

JIRO: Whats Shurui saying? Let me drink water.

SHURUI: ohh, look who's awake. Young Jiro, we are at the top of Fuji, well not ON top, inside of it.

JIRO: can I have some wa-

SHURUI: here, take this.

JIRO: Whats this? Surely not water it's red.

SHURUI: they call this drink, sugar blood. its high in energy and only sold in private markets. Gives you lasting energy for about an hour until you crash off of it and feel sleeeepy. But that's why you don't drink too much, half a cup will be eno-

JIRO: *burrrrp* can I have another?

SHURUI: *sigh*, hm hm. A funny one he is, Jiro.

JIRO: Wait who were you talking to, I heard you saying something a minute ago.

SHURUI: you have a lot to learn about Jiro, go outside. climb to the top on your own. It will be cold. Pick up that coat on your way out.

Jiro found a fluffy coat way oversized and put it on, he didn't know what to expect, when he exited, he was greeted by An amazing sight very tall and high on the side of Fuji.

JIRO: Umm, he- Hey! Shurui! Your sure he's out here?

No one answers

JIRO: Man, alright, let me get to the top.

Jiro climbed up the mountain for around 5 minutes struggling and barely breathing in the thin air at such height, he still didn't understand what happened at the gondola. He needed answers.

JIRO: Annndddd one last puuulllllll...AHHH. Yeah that's Definitely the relief. Wow, I thought the top of Fuji was sharp like a kids drawing, there's a flat surface not too big, so where is this guy? Hokky....

???: Jirrrrro. We have made it.

JIRO: What? We? There it goes again, is it my self consciousness?

HOKKY: Ha, boy, I can finally say hello to you, I'm Hokkyoku. Hokky for short.

JIRO: Oh, hi! Are you the one who's gonna explain this all to me. I've been through a lot just wanting to know what happened ever since the day my mom... has passed. Just yesterday.

HOKKY: I think you mean three days ago.

JIRO: Huh? Must be a mistake, no see my mom died yesterday and after the police station I took a nap and woke up where i met Shurui and then all this happened.

HOKKY: Hmm hmm hmm.

JIRO: Whats so funny, old man?

HOKKY: You slept here for 2 days after the incident at the gondolas.

JIRO: Oh, oh wow. But I only fainted.

HOKKY: mmmmmm. Yes you did. But your spirit kept you alive... other wise you would've had a heart attack instead of fainting.

JIRO: wait what? Heart attack. Wait... My spirit?

HOKKY: Boy, sit with me here, on this ledge.

JIRO: I'm...a little afraid of... Afraid of...

HOKKY: Heights? yes it happens when your spirit animal and you aren't connected. Your very scared and you come hard to trust other people. Especially with your ground power of a spirit, it is more of a sneak then a power house.

JIRO: let's sit down... I don't care about the heights....I, wanna learn more, about these spirits.

HOKKY: The power you possess boy is a spirit. Spirit animal to be more clear. Spirit animals connect with those who were born with power. Born with, greatness. Or not greatness, more or less a path ahead. Now there are different types of spirit animals. You can have a subspecies, which tend to be strong, but a whole species or category, which are even stronger and faster.

JIRO: A whole species?

HOKKY: For example, my spirit animal is the arctic wolf...the arctic wolf is a subspecies of a wolf. Now I know that that is not how science explains it, in science there isn't just "wolf". but think of a whole species to be all the sub species and their specials combined. For example my arctic wolf is great in power and intimidation, speed and tactical thinking not so much. But, a whole species, referring to the wolf, has that power and intimidation of an arctic wolf but maybe gets the speed and tactical species from another sub species of wolf.

JIRO: Ah, I understand, so it's not necessarily just wolf, it's a mix of all other wolves into, per say, a leader, or the main species?

HOKKY: A quick learner you are

JIRO: .......

HOKKY: I know, it's a lot. But your spirit animal and mine have somehow connected. It told you to come to me.

JIRO: what is my spirit animal, do we know?

HOKKY: Ahhhh, I've dreamt about it, had my spirit tell me about it. It's a good one, may I say.

JIRO: please... tell me!

HOKKY: Close your eyes. When you hear that voice keep them closed.

JIRO: *closes eyes* alright, speak to me, I'm listening.

???: ..............

JIRO: ............

HOKKY: ...........

Silence ensued for 2 minutes, Jiro was not getting impatient. He wanted this, he wanted to know more, unlike anything in his life, for once he wanted to try.

JIRO: *relaxes eyes and breathes more Smooth and quiet*

???: I am........


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