Chapter 58: The Truth Spills

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As just revealed it is shown that Gracie, Boars wife, was the traitor helping the mysterious terrorist that seeks to attack Rokkurando. The reason is still unknown but Boar and Gracie have been handcuffed and brought back to the castle for questioning as suspects.

PACHI: Boar, do you know why you're here now?

BOAR: *Breathes heavily* it only took me head butting four castle guards but sure I do.

GUARD 1: My head still hurts ya asshole!



BOAR: OKAY! I get it. It's suspicious that my own wife was the traitor so I have to be questioned too. I get it.

PACHI: *Leans in* listen to me. If I find out you have something to do with all this, I'll lose all respect for you as a student ever since I took you in as my own son figure.

BOAR: Okay, I get it.

PACHI: Now, tell me, did you have anything to do with this.

BOAR: *Stares at Pachi* no.

PACHI: Okay we're done here.

GUARD 2: What, already? Sir that's barely a questioning!

PACHI: I would know if this airhead was lying. I raised him, after all. *Uncuffs Boar* your wife is in the other room. She's being questioned as we speak. Come with me.

BOAR: Okay.


SHURUI: Gracie, you really mean what you're saying?


BOAR: *Walks in*

PACHI: *Follows*

GRACIE: BABY! Please tell them to let me go!

BOAR: Gracie, just answer Shurui's questions. You'll be alright.

GRACIE: *Frowns* okay.

SHURUI: First tell me this. What was the start of this relationship between you and the guy who ran.

GRACIE: DONT SAY RELATIONSHIP! It was merely a sort of, kidnapping I guess.

SHURUI: Kidnapping?

GRACIE: I woke up earlier this week I think Wednesday it was...and to my surprise there was a man standing over my bed. And aiming a gun right at Boar.

BOAR: What?

GRACIE: He put his hand over my mouth and told me to be quiet. He told me the plan originally was to kill Boar and leave a message by his body but instead he was willing to work with me and use me as a hostage type situation. But he would've killed me if you guys didn't come.

SHURUI: Do you swear this is the truth?

GRACIE: *Stands up* I'll prove it *pulls out knife*


GRACIE: *Stabs herself in the shoulder* I PROMISE!


SHURUI: Damn, she's telling the truth.



BOAR: You'll be okay my love.

GRACIE: I can't die without you. *Smiles*

SHURUI: So is there any evidence you have Gracie? If it's okay I've been calling you by your first name.

GRACIE: No, I don't. And of course it's okay. I owe you a bunch for saving me.

PACHI: Well, lucky for you, I picked some evidence up.

SHURUI: What do you mean?

PACHI: *Pulls out paper* this is what I mean.

SHURUI: No way, he dropped this?

PACHI: Yeah, it looks like a long note of plans. The writing however is in some, different language. It's horrible!

SHURUI: Wait can I take a closer look Chief?

PACHI: Of course. *Hands the paper to Shurui*

SHURUI: Hmm. This language I swear I've heard of it before. I just know it.

BOAR: Well can you read it?

SHURUI: No, but, there's got to be computers or some technology in this old place, right?

PACHI: Of course! NURSE!

NURSE 1: Yes!

PACHI: Can I get a computer please?

NURSE: Of course Chief.

SHURUI: If I remember correctly the language of this is called, Tamil.

PACHI: Tamil?

SHURUI: Yup. And I know that from a special someone...


SHURUI: Hey, Jiro.

JIRO: Yeah.

SHURUI: You said you go to college right?

JIRO: Yeah I do.

SHURUI: Anything cool you've learned?

JIRO: Hmmmmm, nothing worth having a convo over. Especially with a kidnapper like you.

SHURUI: Were still on this huh?

JIRO: I mean you lied about owning a gondola service and then take me to Mount Fuji and expect me to act normal. Nah, I'm good.

SHURUI: Hmph. Well we can trade some knowledge then, how about that!

JIRO: What would you know that would interest me?

SHURUI: Enchiro Oda is worth about $230 million.


SHURUI: Yup. I read my manga back in the day.

JIRO: WOW, that's actually kinda cool, you're not a good for nothing bum after all.

SHURUI: Yeah yeah. So tell me something.

JIRO: Hmmm what do bums like....oh! How about the oldest language known to man is the language Tamil. It originated from India it's more than 5000 years old!

SHURUI: That's actually kinda interesting.

JIRO: Yeah I only remembered it because while the teacher taught about it this hot girl Jenny wouldn't stop giving me looks I was daydreaming.

SHURUI: *Chops Jiro*


SHURUI: How about focus on the conversation at hand! Can you write in it or speak?

JIRO: Here I can write the letter A.

SHURUI: ooooo I see.

JIRO: The rest look the same to be honest. Just squiggly lines.


SHURUI: (Back when the kid was dumb, I miss him).

NURSE 1: Heres the computer!

PACHI: Alright here Shurui!

SHURUI: alright if I take a picture with the webcam and go to this website....

BOAR: *Stares at screen* I needa get out the house more this is COOL!

SHURUI: Okay here! I got....I got the trans....lation.

BOAR: What's wrong?

PACHI: Let me look at this! *Puts on glasses*

BOAR: Pachi? Shurui?

SHURUI: *Looks at Pachi*

PACHI: *Looks at Shurui* No....


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