CHAPTER 20: Mythical spirits

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Last chapter, Ashi is explaining her backstory and now her necklace to Hokky and Jiro, in a forest, only 12 hours away from The chūgoku mountians.

ASHI: Yeah, you heard me right. This here on my neck isn't just some jewel. It's a special gem, called a mythical gem.

HOKKY: But- But i thought these weren't real! Just myths!

ASHI: That's What everyone thinks. This is one of the only last gems. It summons a mythical creature of which I don't remember what it is. But, it has strong powers.

HOKKY: But, this changes everything. This information, taking it in. It's a lot. But if what the stories tell are true, then that must mean...

ASHI: Yes. With a special ritual done, this gem can grant a spirit animal which is stronger than any main breed to any person.

JIRO: Wha- Sensei Hokky, you told me that spirit animals are born into someone.

HOKKY: I must've, made some mistake Jiro. I guess, this changes, even what I learned!

ASHI: In fact, this gem is the last of its kind. In total, there are 4 gems For each Environment of which the spirt animals reside.

HOKKY: Fire, or hot temperature animals, water and arctic type, Wind type, and earth or land type.

ASHI: Yes. The other gems have been destroyed, in the war of all 4 kingdoms long ago.

HOKKY: So, you, you're one of the last remaining people from those times!

ASHI: mmm. Once the war was fought, memories from everyone was erased. That's the power of the gems. All 4 mythical creatures battled representing their kingdoms, and their people. But in the end. All four realized the fighting would never end. And so, the special power to erase memory, as well as healing, is what they all have in common. They did so, every citizen, all erased.

HOKKY: This, this is, i, *lays down and looks at sky* there's those stronger than main breeds then.

ASHI: Yes, But there is to be no worry! You know, like I said. This is the last one. The only people who didn't have their memories erased were the original holders of the mythical animals. I know so much because This gem gave me special dreams. So it's like my memory is straight from the event. But anyways, Before any more could turn into the world, they all found ancient texts and took away their animals. They turned them into gems, as simply erasing spirits is impossible. All were broken, but, somehow, my father found this one that's on my neck here, in a lake.

JIRO: Whoa whoa whoa, so is there a possibility, that, that all of them have returned!

ASHI: Yes, it could be, or maybe, the arctic/water gem was never broken, and hidden, for the perfect user to use.

HOKKY: then, it's you! You must be. But, you already have polar bear. You couldn't take that mythical creature.

ASHI: Mmm. Indeed. The one thing we don't know, from any text or story, is what these fascinating creatures really are, or if they can replace previous spirit animals.

JIRO: Sensei Hokky, this information is that of only us three to know. This gem, and Ashi. We can't lose them.

ASHI: Dont worry about losing me. I don't matter, this gem does.

HOKKY: *smirks* Ha Ha Ha! Ashi, were not saying you don't matter. We can't lose you because, your joining us, on this journey!

ASHI: *laughs* I've grown a liking to you two, for some reason. Sure! I'll come along. This journey!

And there on, Ashi became a part of the crew. The holder of the spirit animal polar bear, amazing strength, good defense, decent tactical work, but slow speed.


JIRO: Ahhhh! Finally. A rest.

HOKKY: mmmm. This will be the last one. The last break. We're only 9 hours way. We will walk for 6 hours and then be in range of sight of the mountains, 2 hours to plan for the attack. And then, we walk the last hour there.

ASHI: Alright! I'm excited. I've never really been on a mission before.

HOKKY: (this girl, she has potential), the only thing I'm worried about is the mythical gem. If they see that, they'll wonder what it is. And anything bad can happen from there.

ASHI: Alright! I'll be sure to leave it somewhere outside of the mountains when we get there.

JIRO: So, here's the rundown of what we know. Taka is a main breed holder of the hawk. I took down two of his goons, but it seems there was someone we left out. It probably wasn't Hawk, but someone else who kidnapped our friend, Shurui.

HOKKY: Indeed, i believe it was either The spirit holder of eagle, or his subordinate. Taka and one subordinate can't take me and Jiro down, and they know that. Plus, I've heard about ties between those two species.

ASHI: Ahhh, so these guys are mostly aerial. To be honest, it seems I'm useless here.

HOKKY: Thats where your quite wrong. You see, there's a blizzard coming and hitting Japan hard. Where we fought you is usually one of the most dry places. And Chūgoku is already cold and snowy enough, but this. This gives us a new advantage. You could be useful even from the ground. *sips tea*, this fight, it isn't near over.


KETSUEKI: mmmm, So, you really aren't gonna tell us, huh?


FEZA: HEY! Don't be so rude to lord Ketsueki

SHURUI: Lord my ass, I hope you know. Your getting yourself into something bad. Just you wait.

KETSUEKI: *chuckles* Hmm hmm hmm! That's funny! Ha ha, HA HA HA! You don't get it, do you?


KETSUEKI: Once you're all done with, nothing stands in our way of, THE MYTHICAL GEMS!


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