CHAPTER 28: Training is over

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After the incident at Mount Everest, the team of 4, Jiro, Hokky, Shurui, and Ashi, have re located to a cave.

JIRO: So, *heavy breathes* Just like this eh? QUICK DAGGGGERRRR!!

Jiro, Training with Hokky, moves at a very fast speed and cuts a whole tree in half.

HOKKY: yes, Jiro! That was perfect. Now remember this, Your spirit animal Coyote has gained many abilities since the 5 month incident. I'm surprised that the man of the wolf hasn't come for us yet. He's waiting for come for him.

JIRO: And when we do, how will we'd know where to go?

HOKKY: There's been reports lately of high criminal activity near a town called Sarsi. And they say they can't find the man in charge of mass murders. I say we start there and get clues.

JIRO: Alright, I like the sound of that. Now. Let me practice quick dagger one more time!!

Back in the cave...

SHURUI: So, Ashi. You said about those stones. We can actually heal people with those and possibly gain mystical powers?

ASHI: *Sips tea*, yes. But the one thing I quite don't get. I know that the stones or gems or whatever can get you power of the kingdom. But one thing I don't understand. If you were already to have a sprit animal. What it would do...

SHURUI: *sits at table across from Ashi* Listen don't worry about that. Our plan is to take down this wolf guy. Most likely he's very strong. In fact I know wolf is dangerous. My master has talked about him a lot. He's a scary spirit animal. Passed down to those who are destined to take upon all others and win. There's stories that one day Wolf will fulfill the power which evil spirit animals hold. They will take over this earth and soon move onto to other planets.

HOKKY: *walks into cave* so you two, are you ready to hear the plan?

SHURUI: Ha Ha! I mean I can for sure be in the mood for a journey now.

ASHI: Alright! Let's hear it!

The team of 4 all gathered down at the table and Hokky at the head of the table was finishing his tea and ready to give the rest of the plan out.

HOKKY: *slams down cup* Alright. Now listen. We have advantages over anyone we come against. We have the 2 stones we need in order to keep things, well, hopefully to keep things on our side. The stones, which we'll call them because in all reality they do look just like rocks with glowing kanji.


HOKKY: OKAY OKAY! *deep breath*, the GEMS, grant us healing and erasing memory. When we head to Sarsi, we must be ready for anything. I don't know what will come at us but whatever does they cannot take the stones. We only will bring one of the stones. And for the sake of Ashi, we'll keep the one on her necklace. The other one we will hide somewhere in this cave. I feel the murders at Sarsi is a signal from this man of the wolf for us to come.

JIRO: But Sensei Hokky, we have to keep in mind that he could be there as well! And if he had ties to the aerial bastards then he knows we have 2 of the stones.

SHURUI: I'm gonna have to agree with Jiro Sensei. If he has set up one of his men to do these mass murders just to signal us that is alone a scary crime and one we cannot let go by easily. If any of his men are there they are ready for us to give em hell.

HOKKY: And we will give them hell. As far as I know there are 2 entrances to Sarsi. So the teams will be Jiro and Ashi, and me and Shurui. Jiro and Ashi, you two will enter through West gate, me and Shurui will enter through the East gate. From there we will go to the scene of the most recent crime and look for clues.

ASHI: Well What type of clues?

HOKKY: Any paper, writing, traces of blood or whatever. Consider them all clues. There are two crime scenes close to both gates, so we will search for what we can.

JIRO: So for now, this is an investigation?

HOKKY: Mhm. Indeed. But it can and most likely will turn into a battle. We will stay inside the Bargo hotel and stay alert and awake all night. So sleep very early tonight.

SHURUI: *cracks knuckles* if they know there's now 4 of us, they will send 4 subordinates for us, most likely?

HOKKY: Who knows, however many subordinates this guy may have, either way, we're gonna have to whoop their ass. So let's get chop chop to bed. 5 months of training has come to this, Jiro I trust you to hide the fire stone tomorrow morning. And Ashi keep the arctic one safe. Let's go team. Get rest.

Somewhere in Osaka Japan

???: So, this is what it has come to, no?


???: Shhhh my child. Things don't always have to go our way. Hey Kon, things are moving well in Sarsi eh?

KON: Ha Ha, yes of course. Things are being taken care of there, I'm sure those waste people will get attracted.

???: Things are going to plan then. Perfect.


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