CHAPTER 16: Another Journey

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As last was seen, While Jiro was training with Hokky,  Shurui was taken and kidnapped by Feza.

JIRO: Hey, I think I should really go see where Shurui is, I haven't seen him around in like an hour.

HOKKY: If you feel it's the need for it, go ahead.

Jiro walks into their hideout in Mount Fuji and takes a look around

JIRO: HEY! SHURUI! WHERE YA AT?! Damn...I know what gets him mad...MONKEY BUTT FACE! SILVER BACK LOSERRR! WHERE ARE YAAA! What the.....*spots a note on the ground* Wait......oh my.....*drops note and smacks fist on the ground*. Now....I'm mad.

Jiro runs to tell Hokky, this is what the note read

TO, HOKKY AND JIRO, Well, if your reading this without anyone around then the kidnapping of Shurui has been successful, if you want your friend back. It's simple. Come to the Chūgoku mountains.


HOKKY: WHAT! Jiro, what is this nonsense you speak of! I don't believe you...

JIRO: Sensei, I promise you I'm being serious!

HOKKY: If they really did take Shurui away, it would be a 2v2 , Taka and Feza against us.

JIRO: Feza?

HOKKY: I believe that's the holder of the bald eagle spirit animal.

JIRO: Eagle!'s not just Taka then, would it make sense for the eagle spirit holder to be there too!

HOKKY: Ahhhh damn! I don't wanna think that way...two main spirit holders against us. Maybe if we can somehow get Shurui out of their hands then it can be even. But still, their power.

JIRO: I think we can do it, let's go!

HOKKY: I believe there is a way, to attack before we're in their sight...possibly, it's dangerous, but we can do it

JIRO: Alright! Let's go...kick their ass.

Hokky and Jiro start their journey to the Chūgoku mountains.

HOKKY: This journey will be long, Jiro. We have 2 days along this journey. It's not a short one.

JIRO: Understood, Sensei Hokky.

HOKKY: Alright, so the plan, you know that, right?

JIRO: Yeah, every detail of it. I know exactly what to do once we're in range.

HOKKY: Good, now just beware, this fight is not easy. It will be one of the har-

Suddenly movements from above the trees in the jungle started becoming loud and close

JIRO: You hear that...Sensei?

HOKKY: might be, What I think.

JIRO: what? What do you thi-

BOOM! A large rock falls and nearly took the head off of Jiro.



Just as Hokky thought, Three large albino orangutans came from cowarding in the trees and landed on ground...with intentions to throw the intruders of their territory away.

JIRO: What...What the hell, ARE THESE DAMN MONKEYYYYS!!!

HOKKY: These are orangutans who mean trouble when people come in their path...almost extinct, only 200 albino orangutans exist on earth as of now. And the difference isn't only their skin. Their power.

As one of the orangutans quickly came jumping towards Jiro...

HOKKY: *jumps in Jiros way* POINT BLANK SLASH!

The monkey was hit and fell back as the other two stepped up...



One of the monkeys went for Hokky in the name of revenge for their injured partner, he threw a rock and Ran towards Hokky as a smart two part attack

HOKKY: I'm too fast for your tricks...*Grabs rock and throws at approaching monkey*

DOOSH! It landed


SKKKKKSHHHHHH!! Now as two monkeys were down, One left...Jiro took it upon himself.

JIRO: *steps up* com here, furry fellow.

The Third and final monkey was now in super rage and wanted Hokkys blood, but knew Jiros challenge was first. He speedily runs towards Jiro.

JIRO: (hes gonna like this...) I don't need to attack...

The monkey approached Jiro as He stood still with no fear in his eyes.


Very smoothly, Jiro put his arm in front of the monkeys and blocked, while pushing against it to move to the side of the monkey...


POOOOOSSHHHHH! The monkey was played hard...and flew fastly back as he then hit into a tree, unconscious like the rest.

HOKKY: That was, superb, Jiro! The block and then using the block to move to his side for a finishing attack, you've gotten really good at combat!

JIRO: Ha, thank you. (But the block was only my idea, My body moved on its own for the rest)

HOKKY: You see, Jiro, these dangerous animals come and make their way into the forest. They pledge to take down anyone who comes in their territory.

JIRO: I never learned about these guys in bio...

HOKKY: Hmm hmm hmmmm! Funny Jiro, these animals aren't even known to exist to most citizens.

As the two faced very little danger, more was to come. As the journey to save their friend continued.


Authors note: Hey everyone, Dillen here...I know I was gone for two weeks and didn't make a new chapter, my apologies! I had studies and things to lay more Attention to that are more important, but this story still was on the back of my mind. I will continue this manga and make more. Thanks for the reading!

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