Chapter 52: Ashis Power

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As the chapter left off it is revealed that Jiro has temporarily lost his touch within his spirit animal. Pachi told Jiro to train with meditation and Boar begins to train Shurui as Hokky is training Ashi.

ASHI: *Falls down* GAH! I can't do this training!

HOKKY: I never want to hear you say you can't! For saying something so spiteful is disrespectful.

ASHI: Yeah yeah Sensei.

HOKKY: You have a lot of weaknesses Ashi.

ASHI: Well those weaknesses could have been fixed you know, if you weren't such a
NUISANCE the past hour.

HOKKY: Me the nuisance? Perhaps I should make you spar with me even more.

ASHI: I don't get it! I can't even hit you...maybe I'm just useless after all. Just a princess without power.

HOKKY: hmmm? No power huh. During the war a man fought for his family and kingdom and died in the act of doing so. One man ended a whole war. His strength was so powerful none could match to it.

ASHI: Whos that man?

HOKKY: Your father.

ASHI: *Gasps*

HOKKY: The stories about him kids think are fantasy and don't know the truth about this world are not fake stories. His life was documented as many journalists and others couldn't believe his power. Myself, I owned the whole collection of documents. I studied his power and his faith and passion.

ASHI: Well what was so important about the books?

HOKKY: Whenever he wasn't training or taking care of those he loved, he was fighting protecting them. With ice and water he would easily become the god of the planet at that time. But, he still trained with just his spirit animal.

ASHI: Yeah...he was passionate about fighting too.

HOKKY: He froze his precious daughter in time to keep her alive, you were his last hope, Ashi.

ASHI: What? No, I got frozen due to a stray ice attack during the wa-


ASHI: Huh?

HOKKY: He froze you because he knew...he knew about the chances of this all happening. He knew. That someday a predecessor of the fire kingdoms leader would come down and try to bring the name of fire back.

ASHI: Me...but I'm not the chosen one or the one with the stones powers.

HOKKY: You're the one with the hope and determination to carry out his name though. Your father knew you were strong. You have a power unawakened within you. I hope you know that.

ASHI: *Raises fists* Now...I'm fired up...

HOKKY: Hmph hmph. Come.

ASHI: *Runs to Hokky*

HOKKY: *Dodges* close! *Kicks Ashi*

ASHI: *Flies back* NO! *Lands in two feet*

HOKKY: Ahhhh! How about this. *Sends spirit slashes*

ASHI: (Sensei Hokkys slashes are the fastest I've seen besides Yami, I guess the stronger you are the faster and more power they behold). *Dodges but gets cut a bit*

HOKKY: You're getting better at dodging!



HOKKY: Come then!

POLAR BEAR: *Digs underground*

HOKKY: Huh? I didn't know he could dig under regular ground just snowy or icy land!

ASHI: *Rushes Hokky* AHHHHH!

HOKKY: Fist fight eh?

ASHI: *Gets in a grapple with Hokky* I think I have more strength, Sensei.

HOKKY: Baha! Don't underestimate an old man...*pushes Ashi back* He should be right about, there! *Sends slash underground*

ASHI: *Stares at the ground*

HOKKY: Wait a minute...the spirit power I'm sensing isn't coming from the ground, but beh-


HOKKY: *Dodges barely* (She must've made Polar bear act like he was digging and rush me to distract me while it went behind me).

HOKKY: That was smart! *Turns head* But you need to be fa-

Ashi was no where to be found, like she disappeared

HOKKY: Where did she go!




LITTLE ASHI: Dad! Do you have any cool stories for me today?

KING OF ICE KINGDOM: A story! Why yes! Sit on my lap!

LITTLE ASHI: *Jumps on chai and sits on his lap*

KING: Long ago, there was an evil man who would always steal from my village, one day...I had enough of it!

LITTLE ASHI: Yeahhhh! Punch him!

KING: Hahaha! Well, I used my spirit animal and fought him for a whole day.

LITTLE ASHI: Wow! He was that strong!

KING: Yeah! But you know what! The best way to counter someone just as strong as you or even stronger, is to use anything around you! The sky, underground, rubble, it's all in your sights!

LITTLE ASHI: Im gonna do that cool stuff like you dad!

KING: I believe you, my daughter...


ASHI: (Lets go!)

HOKKY: (Shes coming down too fast for me to even counter! And Polar Bear is coming with an attack too!).


POLAR BEAR: GRAHH!!! *Sends five spirit slashes towards Hokky*

ASHI: *Inches alway from punching Hokky* I GOT YOU!

ARCTIC WOLF: *Headbutts Ashi*


HOKKY: *Dodges the slashes but gets cut on his arm*

ASHI: *Hits a tree* Ohh man, i think my ribs need surgery, again! *Falls to ground*

HOKKY: HAHAHA! Wow! That was fun! *Unsummons Arctic wolf* You know you had me there! And you got a hit on me too! I actually had to summon arctic wolf to save me there!

ASHI: *Unsummons Polar bear* Ahhhh. I guess I just have to face the facts, I dud my best!

HOKKY: Ha Ha! You sure did! Now lets cleaned up and head for dinner. Tomorrow we'll spar in quicksand!


HOKKY: BAHAHA! (Your daughter, she's almost at her peak).


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