CHAPTER 39: The Cloaked Man

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After Ashi and Jiro successfully took down Dokueki. And after this they head out to the open farm area where Wolf was
Supposed to be located at.

JIRO: *Running North* Lets get going Ashi! We need to go to the corn field area that Supidi described to us.

ASHI: *Being carried by Jiro* Yeah! Thank you for carrying me by the way, I know that I'm hurt and you are too.

JIRO: Trust me, this is truly nothing.


HOKKY: *Stops running* alright, now listen to me, Shurui. Jiro and Ashi are somewhere a couple miles to our East. We're facing north. It's 5:20, we have ten more minutes till he's supposed to be here.

SHURUI: Be honest, Hokky. Do we have a chance of winning this thing? Just the four of us?

HOKKY: *Looks downwards* isn't finally putting a stop to the rise of the kingdoms what we've been wanting to do the whole time?

SHURUI: Y-yeah. It is...okay *clenches fists* I'm ready!

HOKKY: Now that's the pupil I raised! Don't lose confidence. That's the key to taking this battle by the reigns.

As time is forwarding, 5:21, 5:22, 5:23, the nerves in all the four are rising


JIRO: Alright Ashi, seven minutes left. You ready?

ASHI: Mhm. I'm ready. *stares at arm*

JIRO: Hey? Everything okay?

ASHI: Oh, yeah! Don't worry. Nothings wrong.

Suddenly, a certain change in the wind direction attracted the team of Jiro and Ashi

JIRO: Huh? Wait, who's that walking towards us...

ASHI: I see, it looks like, just one person?

???: *Walking slowly*

JIRO: Ashi, stand guard, lets go coyote! *He summons coyote*


JIRO: Could that be him, you think?

COYOTE: *Talking to Jiro* I think so, let me go check it out. *Begins running towards the person*

???: *Stops walking*

COYOTE: GRRRRRRRR *Still running*

JIRO: Something feels odd, like if this was the boss, why is there just one of him? Where's his subordinates?

ASHI: I don't know Jiro, should I summon polar bear?

JIRO: No not yet, wait...

As coyote was running and only a few feet out from the walking person now, all the sudden something occurred

COYOTE: *Blinks*

JIRO: *Blinks*

ASHI: *Blinks*

............He vanished


ASHI: Where the HELL did he go?!

COYOTE: (this isn't good)

???: *Standing behind Jiro* are you the prophet?

JIRO: *Jumps forward and turns* WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?

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