Writer Games: Bleeps and Geeks

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Principal Thorne sat in her high backed office chair, facing the window and watching as over two thousand student poured through the front doors of the school building from their dorm rooms throughout the large, gated campus. A frown sat lightly on her face, and her eyebrows arched together in thought, her fingers tapping a rhythm onto the lap of her skirt. Behind her, came a knock on the door, and when she turned around, she found herself faced with one of her two Vice-Presidents.

"Auden," she said, her voice cold as she stood, "Do you have the files I asked for? The student files?"

Micheal Auden gave a nod and handed the woman a stack of paper, looking over his shoulder before stepping into the room and closing the door. Principal Thorne ignored his movement, sitting back in her chair and spreading the 30 files in front of her. "Are you sure about this Veronica?" Auden asked, shifting his weight between feet, "This seems a little noneducational don't you think?"

Principal Thorne's head snapped up, "The students in this school don't understand discipline anymore, don't believe in the simple punishment for their actions. I will make them believe it, I will make them understand that they must behave."

"You can't just kick students out of the school because they are not competing at a better level than other students, how could that possibly-"

"Who said anything about kicking them out?"

He stuttered, realization dawning on him, "Veronica, you can't mean to kill the students, can you? Have them kill each other?"

She glanced up, her eyes freezing him in place with the icy chill they radiated, "The students will understand that their disturbance has consequences, and I will teach them it, force them to learn if I must. What better way then to have them watch their peers kill and in turn be killed? Its quite fitting, seeing as they can't get themselves unhooked from books and movies with similar ideas."

Before Auden could speak out against the plan, the bell rang, signalling the start of homeroom for the students. As Principal Thorne had told in the short email sent, her final two co-conspirator opened the door. Her second Vice-Principal, Issac Mason, and the school's secretary, Ruth Welles, a little woman who had been teaching half her life before falling into the job she currently resided in, walked in.

"Ah," Thorne said, a slight smile lighting her face, "Now that we are all here, I suppose I shall give you all the details, and then we can get to planning our main events, and of course renovations and building. If it all goes according to plan, I'd like to have our events started by the end of the month. As you all know, nothing in this room, leaves this room, I'm sure you all know what will happen if it does."

The three before her remained silent, and once Principal Thorne was sure none had anything to say, she began again. "As I was just telling Vice-Principal Auden here, the events will takes place over the next few months, and will showcase the survival skills of 30 of our very own students; how exciting. They will be forced to kill, or be killed; making friends and enemies and using their own wits to get through this time. By the end of it, only one will be left standing; our Victor, who of course will be given a full scholarship to the college or university of their choice, in recognition of their skills.

"I have decided the events will take place in the old school buildings in a secluded section of the grounds. I have started preparations to renovate the rooms, and ensure that all 30 students have fully equipped rooms, one each. Ruth, I'm putting you in charge of making sure no doors have locks, anywhere in the building. Ensure that the building is clean, with working bathrooms, our students deserve that at least. However, I hope those participating, and those watching as well, realize their mistake in misbehaving, or allowing others to misbehave. Hopefully, they will learn to never misbehave and be bystanders again."

Principal Thorne paused, smirking slightly before leaning back and crossing her knee, "We will have our own little Hunger Games, we will see just how much the students like their books and movies now."

Reservations open November 30th 2014 @ 5pm EST

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