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Oh look, another pair of eyes coming my way

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Oh look, another pair of eyes coming my way.

One pair of eyes follow another to find your figure walking down the halls of Busan High School of Arts.

Hands fly up to their mouths as students lean into one another to whisper about the sight of the new 'foreign' student, their stare still lingering you up and down as they don't even bother to make their actions ambiguous.

That's right, you mentally say to yourself as if you can hear everything they're thinking, I'm the American Korean who's so American it's almost impossible to say I'm actually Korean.

Even if these people staring you down didn't know where you came from, they still would have noticed you're not a 'typical' Korean.

First of all your make up was all from America which was easy to spot since you weren't wearing the normal ghostly white powder with bright red tint but instead your own skin colour foundation, see-through lip gloss and your eyebrows filled in with more of a shape and colour than the usual straight and more faint eyebrows.

LA was known for its hot weather so while everyone here would probably try to avoid getting tanned, you had happily played under the hot sun back home all the time.

Resulting in your legs being shiny and tanned which everyone would have died for back at home.

You weren't so sure if people here thought the same, at least that's what Aunt Sohyun told you.

"You got bullied for your skin colour?" you remember exclaiming earlier that morning. You almost slammed your coffee cup down on the marble table.

"Well not so much bullied more teased a lot but I wasn't that dark." she clarified, pouring herself a cup of coffee. "Some other kid in my class got bullied more than me, they even called him.....never mind. Finish your breakfast and hurry to school."

Maybe it hadn't been such a great idea to ask your Aunt what a Korean school was like on the morning you were going to start your first day there.

"They won't ever call you a Korean." she said, half paying attention as she busily scrolled through her phone with a slight frown on her face.

You rolled your eyes in response "Duh, it's because I've got an American passport."

"Not because of that." she looked up from her phone "They called me an American all the time just because I speak fluent English."

You tilted your head slightly at her with a furrow in your eyebrows "But you were born and raised in Korea, how does speaking English make you an American?"

A shrug of the shoulders was all you had gotten in response.

Those were the reasons you had decided to arrive at school early, an attempt to avoid too many stares, too many whispers. That plan sadly failed.

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