•thirty four•

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"Sir." Jae-ho rushes up to Jimin as soon as he catches his long-awaited appearance. The self-centred celebrity casually strides back into the center of the set, acting as if he has all the time in world. "Sir, your delay has caused quite a stir on the set."

Once again, Jae-ho forces the politest smile he can, the sides of his mouth feeling as if they're about to crack from all the pressure. He adds in a shaky laugh at the end of his words in attempt to lighten the atmosphere.

All he gets in return is an unbothered scoff from Jimin. "Stir?"

Now dressed in his Puma outfit, his only focus is finding Hwasa, keen to start the shoot.

Jae-ho swallows, unable to hide the panic in his tone or face anymore. "Yes, especially, our photographer. He's been here since early morning and I think he has quite a..... uh....few things to say to you."

Jimin can feel the eyes of numerous people upon him, the set lies with a thicker atmosphere than before, tension rising between everyone's expressions. They look more scared than frustrated which slightly baffles him, wondering how angry this photographer must be. He decides to pay no attention whatsoever.

Glancing behind him momentarily, he checks to see if Joy has emerged from the dressing room yet. "Why does this photographer think he has the right to even talk to me?"

His tone is casual but agitated, feeling his pride lowering.

"Uh...well." Jae-ho doesn't know how to deliver his words anymore, continuously gulping. "He's quite hot tempered and he's quite angry at the moment so I suggest-" He continues to place 'quite' in front of all his words, trying to ease the intense situation.

"Angry, huh?" Jimin chuckles, feeling 'quite' irritated himself. "Well, let's see this guy then."

Jae-ho's eyes widen, moving to stop him immediately but he's already on his way, walking speedily to see the odd photographer. Examining the set, he finds an infuriated man holding a large camera. He approaches him from behind, muttering to himself. "Let's hear what this little fucker has to say."

But as soon as the photographer turns around to reveal his face, Jimin's confidence vanishes within seconds, a staggering look flies across his features. "Fuck."

Hoseok broadens his shoulders, raising an eyebrow as he stares down at him. Not as nearly as much surprise in his face as there is anger. "Well, isn't this a lovely coincidence?"

Lovely wasn't the right word to use at all.


"Alright, let's get three different dancers up please!"

Shifting back to your original position, you rearrange your fingers onto your camera, the numbing feeling returning after filming all day. Walking a little too far, your back hits the mirror of the dance studio.

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