•forty five•

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*WARNING: mature/sexual content*

Hope y'all like birthday sex 🎉😚

Hope y'all like birthday sex 🎉😚

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"Honey, I'm home~."

Jimin romantically sings out the words in an added teasing tone since this is something he just about never says. The keys create a clashing noise when he chucks them in the bowl as metal meets metal.

Shrugging off the blazer off his work suit, he feels a tinier bit more comfortable, the pressures of his job peeling off his back. He'd been thinking about you all day, which was the only thing that got him through his hectic schedule, knowing he'd be able to see his favourite person in the whole wide world again.

He lets out a single deep breath as he makes his way into the living room, straining his ears for some noise from the TV or anything that assures him you are here. "Babe?" He calls out again, upset to find the living room completely dead and empty of your presence.

Unbuttoning the bottom of his sleeves, he rolls them up as he sternly turns his head around, eyes on hinge as they search for you.

He mutters to himself in question while he thinks about the text you sent him. "She said she'd be here."

Slight worry starts to stick to his shoulders, another stress adding on from today. He doesn't mean to be so frantic, but he's lost you once. Any sign of that happening again scares the shit out of him.

His thoughts scatter around as he fumbles for his phone until he hears a soft voice calling "Jimin~"

Head snapping upwards, his eyes attach to the stairs. "Y/N?"

He makes his way upstairs, half smiling to himself as he finds himself skipping two steps at a time to hurriedly see you. Quickly finding his bedroom, he opens the door. "You scared me for a second, I thought you were-"

Halting in the doorway, his hand freezes on the doorknob and his smile drops. His tongues ties itself, no words unable to form from his mouth.

You have to stop yourself from grinning too wide at his reaction, pleased with how speechless he is. Lying on the bed with your elbows propped up, you ask alluringly "Like what you see?"

He swallows, his stare endlessly running up and down the white lacey lingerie that sticks to your form. It perfectly emphasizes each curve and shape of your body, causing Jimin to almost drool like a hungry wolf right there in front of you. The lit candles on the side of the bed add to the desirable atmosphere, but you still stand out to him, glowing more than ever in your beautiful form.

Like what I see? He thinks, is that even a question?

"This is what I've been missing all day?" He openly says without realising.

His mind hadn't even stretched that far when he was thinking of you. All he wanted was to see your face or just hear your voice, but this? He didn't think he could fall even more in love with your body.

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