•thirty eight•

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*WARNING: lil bit of sexual content ahead*

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*WARNING: lil bit of sexual content ahead*

"I'm just saying, a little heads up would have been great." You snap at Hoseok in the back of the car. While he sits up front in the passenger seat, thankful he doesn't have to look at your fuming eyes, Yoongi drives calmly.

"Look I'm sorry." Hoseok apologizes for the fifth time since you almost ripped his head off this morning. "But if I told you then you would have done everything you could to avoid him."

"Damn straight." You answer back in a loud voice, gripping the corners of both of their seats. "It's fucking Park fucking Jimin who fucking broke my fucking heart. I don't wanna ever see his ugly ass face again."

Hoseok's mouth forms a small pout, growing upset by the amount you're shouting at him. Yoongi notices this, sliding his hand over to his to hold it in comfort.

"So, you didn't want to see him just to see how he's doing or get a proper apology? The guy looked really sorry when I saw him." your best friend adds on.

"Hell no. I already know how he's doing; I don't have to be face to face to know that." You tell him, the agitated tone still evident. "And I don't care how sorry he is, he doesn't deserve any forgiveness."

With your last words, the car falls silent. It's obvious what you think of him, so the couple take a mental note to never bring him up again.

But you don't let go.

"It's not like you'd want to see him, right Yoongi?"

Your question rips the comfortable vibe from the car, and you notice it as soon Yoongi's face hardens. A tough but sad look spreads across his face, his eyebrows furrowing as he stutters an answer. "Uh, I, uh. I don't know."

He says nothing more, glancing out his window and pretending to focus on the road as his grip tightens on the driving wheel. Hoseok looks at him, holding onto his hand as he notices the immediate shift in his boyfriend's face.

You're not the only who had their heart broken the night Jimin left.

The rest of the car journey is silent, somewhere along the way Yoongi decides to turn on the radio to fill in the quiet and the upsetting thoughts of his ex-best friend.

The car finally comes to a stop when Yoongi pulls it up next to the dance studio you'll be working at today. That is if the people don't decide to fire you for missing your work yesterday because of that damn black-haired angel.

"Thanks for the ride." You plainly say, planting a kiss on Yoongi's cheek as you grab your bag.

"No problemo." He says, forcing a happy tone and a smile. "Have fun and try not to kill anyone."

You roll your eyes and chuckle. "I'll try."

As you close the door from outside, Hoseok calls gently from the rolled down window. "Wait, Y/N."

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