•thirty three•

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I present to you...

black haired Jimin

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...black haired Jimin

*WARNING: partial sexual content ahead*


The city awakens.

A bit too early for some people's liking. The honking cars and hectic shouts of chaotic crowds are inevitable to the neighborhood, lacerating through windows and doors to let everyone know that the city is no longer sleeping. And neither should they.

No trees or city planted blooms, just monoliths of concrete soaring out of the sidewalk in an exact grid pattern. At night it's beautiful in its own way, so many lights that grace and glitter the splatters of skyscrapers and high buildings.

By day the people relied on the sky to let them know that it wasn't a monochromatic world; just one in which everyone's too busy for art. With puppet strings attached to their limbs, they rush. Some steady, some running, some simply taking a stroll of the beautiful city to which they sooner or later regret due to the disorder that unceasingly slips within to disturb the 'peaceful' city.

In this city people only work and eat, there is no time to sweep fall leaves or plant spring flowers, hardly even enough to notice the blue above. Everyone busies themselves with their own jobs and dreams. And if they're lucky enough, their dream job.

That seemed the case of a particular someone.

Jimin sips his fresh cup of coffee diligently, steadying his chin up every time he swallows as he stares down on the city from his skyscraper view. Observing the rest of unlucky dreamers with his profoundly dark brown eyes, he pities the people who run like lost sheep, chasing dreams that are just way too high for their reach. They can only ever scrape the tips of their fingers against clouds but never able to fully grasp them.

Raising his eyes, he stares across the heads of the neighboring buildings while he takes another sip from the warming cup. The hotness runs across the skin of his hand as the liquid drools down his throat, arising his body and mind in order to prepare him for the wild day ahead.

In a second glimpse, his eyes take their focus off the view and fixate on his indistinct reflection in the window. It gives him a chance to examine his appearance, running his eyes over his styled black hair, the glossy thick locks starting to loosen from his gel already, strands falling between his eyebrows.

Matching the color of his appealing hair, a black suit follows. An indolently loose collar, few undone buttons to expose the evidence of a shining silver chain that rests upon his collar bone. With a run of his fingers through his hair, he nods in approval to himself, a thrilled smirk edging onto his lips.

"Mr. Park."

Purposely taking another long sip before swallowing deeply, he gently greets. "Good morning to you too, Joy." He keeps his back faced away from his assistant, showing no eagerness to look at her.

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