•fifty three•

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Sirens. Piercing sirens. The sound so loud that you want to punch your own ear. So loud you can barely hear the crowded voices all shouting over each other.

There's no chance you can make out what they're saying. The one thing clearly in their voice is panic.

"She's losing too much blood." An unknown urgent voice speaks.

"Get her to the ambulance."

"Does it look like there's time?! She's going to die any second."

Who are they talking about? Your mind wonders but even just a thought takes so much energy that you don't have.

Sleep. You just want to fall into an abyss of sleep and never wake up again.

Can't think, can't open your eyes, can't move. The only sense organ of yours that seems to be working are your ears. But even that, you can't hear everything clearly. Only the shouts and the loud sirens just make it for you to hear.

That and the wet hands that keep touching your body. You can sense really warm and wet hands. You'd squirm if you had the energy to. You can't possibly think what the liquid you can feel traveling down your body is. It's thick too. Thick, hot ...blood.

"How many more shot?"

"One was found already dead. Three more were shot."

"Anything severe? Will they make it?"

"I'm not sure about one of them. He seems to be as good as dead."


And then it hits you. Once you link everything together. The sheer mention of death. The mention of people being shot. It's all too familiar for you to not recognise who they're talking about.

The gusts of panic that pumps through the hot thick blood bursts the last energy you have to fight with every muscle in your body. "Hmm...whmm...who?"

It's so quiet that even you can't hear yourself properly. But it gets their attention.

"Ma'am? Ma'am? Can you hear me? Please stay with me, ma'am."

"Hoo...who?" You repeat. The one word becoming the biggest task of your life.

You need to see Jimin, you want to open your eyes. You need to see him, touch him, hear him. He can't disappear like this.

"She's saying 'who'."

"Ma'am, what are you trying to say?"

Which one of them have died? Who died?!

"Hmm..ung...who died?"

"Ma'am, we can't understand you. But we're helping you so please stay with us."

But you can't, you can't stay with anyone. If he's gone, you'll go with him. What's the point in fighting?

Fight, damn it!

You can't even listen to your own voice. Giving everything you can to stay, your body laughs at you for trying.

"Ma'am, ma'am?"

The deathly darkness reaches out it's hand. It's so tempting to just give in. The hand is so much closer to you than anything else and you're lonely. You need company. So you take it.

And the darkness takes you.

"We need more help over here, he's dying!"

Who is?


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Follow me on Instagram as @ur.my.hopee for more updates and teasers! I'll follow back and would love to interact with moi lovelies 💕

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