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You can't take it

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You can't take it. The way he's looking at you, smiling at you. The innocent but disastrous look of unrequited love blazing through his orbs. You could notice the pure joy that passed his features as soon as he noticed you. As if it this was a normal night and he was still living in his daydream where he could see you at the end of everyday after coming home from work and eat a hot meal with you.

But that's why it's the worst part. There's not a drop of sanity in that. Despite the fact that he's just shot someone, taken a life and has scared everyone shitless in this room, making them think of ways to say goodbye to their loved ones because he's placed the terrifying fear in their heads that they'll never be able to see them again. Despite all of that, he's still smiling, still lovingly looking at you like you're his and he's come to collect you. And if anyone dares to stand in his way...

This man, you think as you stare unblinkingly at him, is not the man I know. This isn't Jungkook.

Or is it? Had you really let yourself forget the monster inside him? All those sweet memories had finally buried the trauma that you forgot what he was capable of. Just like you had many years ago, you fell far for him. You had collapsed onto your hands and knees and glanced up to see the halo above his head, never once questioning why sometimes they would look so much like horns instead.

Yet this is the guy who stood before you with his clothes stained with blood so bright, it defeated the darkness of the alleyway that night years ago. He had blood on his hands that night and you cleaned it up for him. Was it something you're going to have to do again now?

It's just you and him. The only two standing up and facing each other. Everyone's eyes are now on you, glancing between and questioning who the hell you must be to have not been shot by the nightmarish man already?

"My dear beautiful girlfriend." He continues as if he's introducing you to the rest of the club to be rightfully his. Except there's nothing right about the way he's claiming you. "The love of my life."

His deathly grin is unshaken, sewn into the skin of his face, stuck there for an eternity until the evil jealousy will eventually die out. Although by now, you can fairly tell, it never will. It's driven him too far to the point where he's taken the life of another just to make up for the loss he's felt of his own.

You wish you had the guts to walk straight up to him and slap that horrific smile off his face, to tell him once again and hopefully for the last time that you don't love him like that now, and you never will.

Out of the many heads unrestfully turning and waiting for the next tragic move of the killer, Taehyung's holds still, his eyes scrutinizing Jungkook as he questions his words. "Hang on, who the fuck are you?"

He foolishly stands up, stumbling a bit as if he himself must've had a bit too much to drink or maybe he's been crouching for so long that the blood is yet to return to his legs. "Do you know her? Is this some kind of fucking prank?"

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