•thirty two•

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The stage had never felt so empty

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The stage had never felt so empty.

Even with the numerous other contestants and the host lined up, it feels like Jimin is the only one standing.

An apparent missing person next to him, he timidly glances to his side. He lets his eyes drop from the neglected space to his desolate hand, despairingly reaching out his hand by a bit as if to grab your hand but all he can grasp is wisps of remorseful air.

Undeserving triumphant lights lustre upon him, calling him out for abandoning you. They chase away the insufferable cries that he flasks inside, all the frustrated yelps telling him to run back to you while he still can.

Were you even awake by now?

He doesn't know and he never will. The slightest thought of you watching him stand alone on stage right now creates a feeling of yearning to deservingly bury himself into the ground, never resurfacing till he hears your forgiving voice again.

The overwrought crowd is imperceptible to him, camouflaging into a dark abyss. Mere seconds of intense silence scuttles across the atmosphere of the large arena, embodying the quivering contestants and the rigid judges, their stern expressions never failing to cast more shivers down the young dreamer's spines.

It's so quiet that the anxiously impatient gulps of the audience become ear-splitting, imploding only more worry onto the dancers, even the host.

The grinning man stands uncomfortably, commanding his fingers to unwrap the envelope quicker. With a final pull, the card rips from the covering paper, the name only visible to his beady eyes.

"Well, would you look at that!" his voice is louder than usual, or maybe it's just the torturing quiet surrounding him that booms his voice across the room. "Congratulations, the winner of Asia's Dance Competition 2019...."

".......Park Jimin!"

The crowd erupts into a weird order of applause. Part of the room sits obstinately in dissatisfaction, crossed arms and scoffs buried by the screams and cheers of the other part that's more than happy of the result.

And then the other part, most of the audience really, including the judges and the contestants.

The joyful but confused part, clapping and smiling in content whilst questioning the sight of the lonely King claiming his throne without his Queen.

Because what's a King without his Queen?


The few minutes of Jimin accepting the award and giving an agonizing speech felt like hours. Each word that had left his mouth dragged out with shame, lie after lie of a traitorous man. Each pair of eyes from the audience boring into the back of his skull, able to spot all his wrongdoings.

As soon as he could, he ran off the stage, hiding behind the curtains to protect him from the cheers and applause that only continuously reminds him of his mistakes.

A slap on his back jolts him, head whipping around as his fearful eyes pinpoint on the owner of the solid hand.

Kai laughs, eyes wrinkling as his lips part. "Jesus, someone can't look that terrified after winning $100,000."

Jimin nods and smiles uncomfortably, forcing a low fake chuckle. He says nothing, signalling his desire to be alone. He just wants to run away, anywhere. But all the places he can think of keep leading back to you.

Kai peculiarly eyes the way Jimin's head drops to the ground, studying his edgy body language. "Gotta say, your dancing was pretty dope."

Another ungrateful nod, he continues to look away which only sends more questions and slithers of sympathy through Kai's head.

"I don't really know why Y/N didn't show up tonight." Kai decides to speak his mind, uncertainly and slowly letting the words slip out of his mouth. He keeps a safe distance. "But I know for sure that prize is definitely not as much worth to you without her."

From Jimin's stiff stance, he's not sure whether he's about to get a punch to his face or a hug. Either way, Kai hadn't said it to get either of them.

With a much softer slap on the back that turns into a comforting pat, Kai leaves.

"Unworthy." Jimin mutters to himself, thinking about Kai's words and knowing each of them is more than true. For once, the jerk had said something reasonable.

"I can't." his voice shallows to a low whisper, hands crawling to his head to grip his hair out of frustration. "I can't."

The prize, dance, his career.

If he's not with you, they're all unworthy to him. Nothing will bear the same meaning if you're not there.

"I can't." He speaks properly now, standing up straight.

His eyes spin for an emergency exit and as soon as they lock onto the obvious green sign, his legs take off to run out into the night. Where he'd find you.


"Sir!" the receptionist calls. He sees Jimin's loud entrance, the man's stumbling sprint into the busy hospital as he dashes past the waiting room. "Sir, you're not allowed-!"

Jimin's ears are deaf to all refusals, running and disregarding any person that comes in his way as he continues to speedily dodge past them. His hectic feet carry him through the familiar patronizing white halls, bringing terrifying memories that only make him run faster to see you.

He was so close to losing you once, he won't let it happen again.

Deeper into the hospital he runs, taking the memorable turns of the halls till he's greeted with a recognizable hall of room, the numbers leading to up to your assigned room. "Y/N!" he calls your name, foot steps away from you.

Hand clasped on door handle, he enters chaotically.

"Y/N! I'm so sorry, I....."

The bed lies empty, stripped clean and remade. The vacant room appears as though no one was ever there. All second chances removed from the small space.


Jimin breathes heavily, burning his eyes through the empty sheets where you once lay. Knees buckling, he sinks to the ground, arms falling limply by his sides as he feels his heart about to give out.

He let it happen.

He's lost you.


The characters shall return in the many chapters to come because I'm mean but not that mean 😊

The characters shall return in the many chapters to come because I'm mean but not that mean 😊

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Had to keep the chapter short to save the big turn in the next chapter, my apologies.

Love you ❤️

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