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With more force than expected, you chuck your school bag onto the kitchen table, resulting in it sliding across and pushing off the pile of mail Aunt Sohyun is struggling to get through

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With more force than expected, you chuck your school bag onto the kitchen table, resulting in it sliding across and pushing off the pile of mail Aunt Sohyun is struggling to get through.

She stops, midway of tearing open an envelope, and gives you a blank look while you plop yourself down onto a stool ignorantly.

"Darling, as much as I wish my mail could fly back onto the table with the snap of my fingers I would dearly appreciate it if you would put back where it belongs." she says, keeping a sweet tone but the same unimpressed expression.

Your Aunt has an odd way of disciplining you. She never had kids of her own, a thirty-two year old woman who spends most of her time writing sex articles for cosmopolitan magazines and then decides to party all earning out at clubs.

Aside her inexperience of handling children, thankfully she remembers what it's like to be teenager where studies and just about everyone is on to you. So weirdly enough, her sarcastic use of comments and lack of rules actually disciplined you very well.

Your head sinks, with tired hunched shoulders you move around the table and grab the mail off the floor.

"Another bad day?" she says, returning to her mail after studying your exhausted face.

"Yup." you reply as chuck the pile of envelopes in front of her "Today was just about the worst one yet."

"I'm sorry, dear. But life does get better than high school, don't worry." she barely pays attention to you, frowning as she looks through her pointy dark purple glasses at the huge numbers of her bills. But she doesn't mind, knowing her salary's bigger.

"Uh huh." you say, throwing away her useless advice. Your hands dig into the fruit bowl, picking out an apple to comfort your empty stomach. You joblessly bite into the fruit, staring at the table as your mind runs back through your stressful day.



You swallow your first bite. "Did you have anyone you solely trusted in high school?"

She snorts, crumpling up a letter. "Hell no. High school will always be full of bitches and assholes. If you wanna survive, don't trust anyone."

Your face falls even more, all glimpses of hope disappearing. "Not even your best friend or your boyfriend?"

She shakes her head, paying more attention to you as she meets your eyes "Nope, everyone just disappoints you."

Your head sinks, chomping your way into another bite of your apple. You don't know what you were expecting, of course she was going to tell you the truth.

"But I don't know," she says, causing to lift your head to find her staring off into the distance as she thinks about her past "Sometimes...the weirdest and the most unlikely people...are the ones who you can surprisingly trust."

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