•thirty nine•

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*WARNING: sexual content ahead*

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*WARNING: sexual content ahead*

One breath, two breaths. Breathe in, breathe out. Get a bit of that damn oxygen.

You couldn't understand why you're freaking out unexpectedly. Hell, you're not even in the restaurant yet. But the lengthy drive was killing you with nerves, crawling up your bare legs and running down your back. Long black painted nails dig into the seat, almost piercing the expensive black leather of the limousine.

What even is this? You refused to put a name on it. Probably because the only name you could think was a date. This is a date. Why else would you be this dressed up?

The tall dude did say to wear something formal.

Still, you feel like you might've gone too far. You know with Jimin, he's definitely going to overdo it and probably rent out the entire restaurant just for the two of you. That's why this is the most you've dressed up in a long time.

 That's why this is the most you've dressed up in a long time

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It was about time you put this bad boy on. Considering how dull your life had become it was either wearing this dress or letting it rot in your closet for the rest of the year. So you decided to be a little brave.

Your mind consumes you so much of chaotic thoughts that it takes you a while to register the limousine has already arrived.

"Ma'am." The driver makes eye contact with you through the mirror "We're here."

You nod, not saying anything as you swallow your nerves. Hesitant hand on the door handle, the car door opens swiftly to startle you and yet another tall guy in a smart suit stands before you with a polite smile. He offers a steady hand as he greets you "Good evening, ma'am."

Forcing an uneasy smile, you thankfully take his hand to steady you as you exit the limousine. You're sure you're going to stumble at some point in your heels. "Thank you." Straightening your dress, your hold onto your mini clutch and push all the hair off your tanned shoulders.

Preparing yourself for a moment you don't think you'll ever be ready for you breathe out one last time and walk down the crimson carpet leading into the glowing restaurant. When you enter you feel an odd cold wind rush over, darting down your spine as it makes the hair on your neck stand up.

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