•twenty seven•

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Jungkook's eyes haven't left you since you sat down, keeping his dusky globes enduringly hooked on you as if he's sending you abundant warnings from across the audience. Your brain accepts them, flaring lights and alarms going off, screeching noises bursting the walls of your head.

Questioning thoughts have been running through your mind ever since you saw him, but you can't seem to track down any one specific reason why he's here or why he might possibly want you.

It's not like you owe him money or anything, it's not like you ever did anything bad to him. You suffered just as much as he did even though you're the one who's completely innocent.


What if he thinks you snitched on him? What if he thinks you're the reason he was sent to jail?

Hands desperately clutching one side of the seat, you don't notice how tight your other hand's grasping Jimin's. But he does, noticing how tense and stiffly your body sits in your chair and how you're head continuously turns to look across the audience.

He follows your fearful gaze, catching Jungkook's shameless stare. A sigh of frustration leaves his lips, his patience wearing thin with the enigmatic man. He's so close to telling him to fuck off, prepared to do something much worse if Jungkook proceeds to harass you. He wants to know so badly what's going on, but he doesn't want to push you, letting you come to trust him yourself.

His hand slides onto your bare thigh, a firm hold on your flesh as he bores his eyes into Jungkook's skull. He sends warnings of his own while he shoots threatening daggers to remind Jungkook who you belong to.

You tear your gaze away, finding Jimin's death stare towards Jungkook. Instead of feeling scared, you couldn't feel safer under his hold. You had so foolishly forgotten who your boyfriend is, there's no way Jimin will let anything happen.

"That was a terrific dance, absolutely wonderful!" The host congratulates Lisa before she smiles and bows gratefully, running offstage. "Stick with us through the commercial break. When we return, we'll be able to see the performance everyone's been wait for of the overpowering duo, Y/N and Jimin!"

By the sound of your names the audience around you all cheers, eager screams anticipating your performance. The noise comforts you, sending a thankful grin to your face as you glance around the hundreds of people and the nerves disappear.

Jimin voices "Let's go kill this bitch."


Is it even possible that you're more nervous than last time?

You constantly remind yourself that it's going to be okay. You felt more than ready for this round, a hundred times more confident performing in contemporary. At least that's how felt this morning, nothing had seemed to worry you till now.

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