•thirty six•

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WARNING: sexual content ahead

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WARNING: sexual content ahead

Jungkook gives you that smile. The same smile that has always gotten to you, every.single.fucking.time.

The same smile he flashed you back in America when you passed each other in the school hallway for the first time. The same smile he gave you whenever he scored a football goal and you would sit on the side to cheer him on. The same smile he'd give you whenever he showed up to your house after school every day with your favorite snacks and your favorite video game in his hands.

It's a treacherous smile. One you had no intention in seeing ever again. But sadly, the world does not exist purely for your wishes.

You weren't as surprised to see him as you should've been. He usually came around, checking on you, offering you a better job or a date. Or sometimes both. Despite the rough past with him, he'd always come back, spoiling you with anything for his chance at forgiveness to grow just a bit.

"Just wanted to see how my princess is doing." he says, fully turning around to reveal a colorful bouquet of flowers clutched in his hands. You can't deny how adorable who looks, his bunny smile widening as he holds them out to you.

Keeping a straight face, you walk over to him and grab the bouquet crudely. Holding it up to your face, you bury your nose into the flowers, a mix of beautiful scents whisking away your senses. You hide your amusement, faking a gag and shoving them back into his chest. "Ugh, they smell like you."

He rolls his eyes while trying to secrete his smile, pushing you lightly. A soft giggle flees your mouth and you glance down at the flowers, adoring their beauty while taking a few more sniffs as you let the pleasant smell tingle your nose.

Jungkook watches you as you do, his smile unfading while he appreciates how the beauty of your own overpowers the exquisite flowers. You feel his gaze and look up to meet his eyes. There's gentle few seconds of quiet while the two of you simply stare at each other, finding it hard to break the strong gaze.

Until your eyes draw away from his, fixating on a dried cut painted onto his cheekbone. Your eyebrows draw near to each other as a small frown forms, disrupting the serene expression. "Jungkook, what happened?"

Taking one hand from under the bouquet, you tenderly brush your thumb over the cut. He flinches, grabbing your wrist and gently dragging it away from his face. "Nothing." he replies quickly, unable to look at you properly anymore as his eyes shamefully drop to the ground.

"Jungkook." You repeat his name through a inadequate tone. You don't need him to explain anything, it's the same reason it's always been. "Why do you still involve yourself in things like that?"

He shrugs, still holding onto your wrist as he talks in a pout. "It just happens, can't really help it when I run a drug business."

It's such an odd thing to come from his mouth in that moment. The fragile and gentle man before you right now doesn't look like someone who could ever hurt a fly. It's the side he would only ever show you. The human side of him.

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