•twenty three•

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A/N: Get ready for a long ass chapter

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A/N: Get ready for a long ass chapter

"Okay, shall we go through that again?"

"No!" Jimin declines your offer with a ferocious heave of his chest as it ascents and cascades severely. He desperately balances his body while resting his palms on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

You eye him weirdly, breathing unevenly and feeling worn out from the dance practice but not as much as him. "Uh, Jimin?"

"Hm." he answers without looking at you, a nauseous feeling threatening to dive him into the ground.

"You okay?"

"Yeah." Body finally giving up, it collapses to the ground and sprawls like a dead starfish. His heavy orbs stare emptily up at the ceiling, his loud breathing sounding throughout the studio rented by the ADC organizers.

Turning on your heel, you leave your dying boyfriend on the ground, retrieving a few fresh bottles of cold water from the fridge. "Here." you chuck the ice-cold brick onto him and he lets out an "oof!" when the hard-plastic hits his ribs.

Simply, you ignore his agonizing noise and seat yourself down next to him, opening a water for yourself. "Didn't sleep well or something?"

"Not really." he drags himself into a sitting position, lazily opening his bottle as he lets the cap easily slip out of his grip.

You thought it would've been easier now that you finally had salsa out of the way, and you could focus on something you knew better. But now that you've won the first round, winning another round has put even more pressure on the two of you.

Even the newspapers were applying pressure. After your dance video went viral and a picture of you and Jimin splashed out on front page, you both became the new fiery dancers with 'great chemistry'.

I guess it the chemistry part comes in handy when you're dating your partner.

Hours and hours of practice. Sleep hasn't really been a word in your dictionary these days. Second round is only a few days away so that leaves either of you no choice but to spend all your free time locked up in a dance studio.

Say good bye to a Seoul tour. All you know are these four walls.

"You know we haven't really had time to enjoy things recently." Jimin points out as if he's reading your thoughts.

You nod, trying not to look too bothered by it. "It's a shame but we can always come back."

"No, I know but I mean. We haven't really had time to enjoy.... recently."

The way he says 'enjoy' makes you think twice, freezing your bottle midway as you're about to take another sip. You meet his eyes, finding the familiar greedy look that you hadn't seen in a while. The corner of his mouth lifts into a knowing smile. "What happened to being exhausted?"

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