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You had never thought that much about death before in your life

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You had never thought that much about death before in your life. Surprisingly, it wasn’t a recurring thought. ‘Just get on with your shit’, that had always been your life motto. It’s just how you worked, nothing else.

But the fact that you never gave it much thought also meant you never thought about how you would eventually die. It also meant you never thought about how terrifying it actually would be when the day would finally come, what it would mean for you and for other people. 

Never in your life had you thought that so much horrifying death would surrounding you like this.

But even if you had, it would never prepare you for a day like this.

There’s no rain pouring into the poor ground that people tread upon with their hefty black shoes but the weather still miraculously manages to match the sorrowful atmosphere. It’s as if it’s mourning with us, the grey splashed within the sky to block out all rays of sunlight and hope. No one would complain about this kind of weather on this day. It’s perfect, the only thing that’s worked out in the end. 

No one dares to lift their head, black hats and dark hair hiding their either grieving or solemn faces from each other. You can’t tell who’s actually crying in pain or crying because they have to. Either way, no one wants to look anywhere but the ground, knowing there's no point in looking up at the sky anymore.

The cries rise a little when the coffin finally comes into view, faithful men carrying it through the crowd. The wood inordinately glows with its dark colour, as black as the clothes everyone’s wearing. While others are too afraid to watch it, your eyes shoot straight to it like a magnet and you can’t seem to look away.

You know his body is in that coffin but you don’t want to accept that it is.

It’s a mean thought to have but it’s a thought you imagine anyone here would have. You’re surprised this many people actually showed up to the funeral. It makes you wonder how many people actually knew him. The real him. Surely, anyone who watches the news knows by now if they hadn’t before. 

They’re probably more surprised to see you here, after everything that happened they probably had no idea what you and him turned out to be after all. As many as the hurtful memories were, you can’t possibly deny all the precious time you had, the ones you’ll never forget them.

As they start to lower the coffin into the ground, you feel a hand running down your arm, finding your hand to hold it in hope to comfort you, to let you know he’s there for you in a time like this. 

"I'm sorry, babe." He tells you in a hushed voice. "I'm sorry he had to die like this."

"He's not dead, Jimin." You tell him, shaking your head slightly. "A man like him never dies."

A man like him won't ever leave your life.

Jimin looks at you concerned, the look he's been trying to but failing to hide since he saw you this morning and throughout the night of holding you in his arms while you cried. He tried to smile for you, make you feel like none of this happened but he found himself struggling to believe that big of a lie.

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