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Numerous airplanes take off, soaring over heads as they set off for their destinations, gliding through the cotton candy clouds and slicing through the high atmosphere

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Numerous airplanes take off, soaring over heads as they set off for their destinations, gliding through the cotton candy clouds and slicing through the high atmosphere. The blasting engines start off strong, beckoning their ascend until they reach so high they disappear from sight. As if they never existed in the first place.

The clouds hide the sun as it continues to sleep, not ready to share its light and heat so early in the day. Busan's summer is nowhere to be seen, severe icy winds lashing at the bodies of young travellers. The youthful making the most of their time as they're about to finally escape the imprisoning city and start their exploring journeys.

Then you have the loud families, fathers holding their baby in their hands while they drag gigantic suitcases full of their wife's clothes and whining kids pulling at their legs.

However, Jimin and you were neither of these types of people. There was a whole other reason the two of you were arriving at 4am on a Saturday at Gimhae International Airport. You weren't ready to torture yourselves with a family vacation, you weren't ready to merge yourselves into different cultures as you set off to different parts of the world.

The two of you were simply going to board a two-hour flight to Seoul, the city that never sleeps. That's exactly what you guys were ready for.


As soon as Aunt Sohyun pulls the car up to the airport, your hand shoots to the door handle, desperate to let your ears breathe. The 45-minute drive felt like it had stretched into a day's drive.

You hadn't minded about Hoseok tagging along to drop you off at the airport with your Aunt, you just didn't expect that he would have so much energy at such early hours. If only Aunt Sohyun hadn't offered to switch on the radio, you would have had a peaceful ride and hell maybe even some sleep.

But since it just so happened that every song that came on was Hoseok's and Aunt Sohyun's 'all time jam'. You for sure aren't a morning person which meant your best friend and Aunt screeching song lyrics for the whole forty-five minutes didn't really help.

"Oh my god, my poor ears." you clutch your ear dramatically after scrambling out of the car and rub them as if they just been injured terribly.

Aunt Sohyun's laughter follows when she sees you, turning off the engine and exiting from behind the wheel.

"Oh, stop being such a drama queen." Hoseok says, slapping your shoulder with an offended face. "You know you loved me hitting those high notes."

You silently throw him an absurd look, sealing your mouth shut before you say something even more insulting.

"I have to say," Aunt Sohyun joins, appearing next to him "Your singing is quite something." She delivers an impressed smile and all you can do is gag.

Hoseok smiles at your aunt and then shoves you as you continue to purposely gag. Of course, you shove him back to which he doesn't take so lightly, sending you a fierce look as he grabs your ear and pulls it down harshly.

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