•forty seven•

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That was the key word to this place.

White chairs, a variety of white flowers, silk white carpeting, white tuxedos, white people, wh-

White people?

Narrowing your eyes on the certain person that's caught your eye, you draw close attention to their features.

Oh no, still Korean.

But you get the point, everything is all very white.

The theme of the colour made the entire venue look like an enchanting garden for fairies and you had been kidnapped by two of them. Two very gay fairies.

Your eyes trail across the white altar thats suffocated in the white roses, the strong scent of pollen that burns your nostrils confirms that they're real. Scrunching your nose, you attempt to stop yourself from sneezing, silently praying that any allergies of yours would hopefully postpone the tears and constant sneezes till after the wedding.

Shifting your gaze back towards the seated crowd of people, you listen to the hushed and polite chatters, observing each smiling face that you had never seen before. You start to wonder whether Hoseok knows any of these people or you were just so busy being anti-social for the past decade that you never bothered to meet any of them. 

Your stare fades past the people, going back to admiring how well decorated the place is. Honestly, with the amount of money Jimin gave them, you really thought Hoseok was going to go all out with a Las Vegas style or anything else which was just ridiculously expensive. But this is pretty impressive. You feel like a proud mother.

When you draw your eyes away from the guests, they instantly focus on Jimin. In his black and white tuxedo, he stands opposite of you with a priest and a very anxious groom in between the two of you.

Patiently, you watch his ravenous eyes travel up and down your body, knowing he's probably mentally stripping you from your bridesmaids dress or is too into some other fantasy that's way too inappropriate for a wedding.

When his eyes finish their slow journey up your figure, after taking a particularly long stop at your cleavage, they finally meet yours. He doesn't hesitate to give you his infamous knowing smirk as his tongue darts to grace his bottom lips. He must be hungry.

The look reminds you of what a hassle it was to actually to get to this wedding in the first place. As soon as you had walked out the bathroom in this dress the same morning, Jimin had gone into a complete daddy mode. And as much as you tried to resist him the first time, the two of you did end up getting here a bit later than expected due to an unexpected, uh, activity in the bed. You're not sure you can be bothered to call it unexpected by now though.

You can tell that obviously wasn't enough for him by the look he was giving you now.

Smiling back, you shake your head and avoid his gaze, having difficulties containing yourself.

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