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Turns out looking for a sex toy for your best friend isn't actually as easy as you think

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Turns out looking for a sex toy for your best friend isn't actually as easy as you think. Which meant you arrived at Hoseok and Yoongi's house twenty minutes late.

Standing out in the biting cold, you knock on the door again. Your knuckles are turning the same shade as your dazzling lipstick and your body shivers from the gusts of the icy wind. Dong-sun's miniature arms twist round your leg as he tugs on your long coat, seeking warmth from his mother while his own cheeks decide to blush the coldest red. Your hand automatically reaches down to caress his soft hair.

Jimin notices his son's discomfort, reaching down and scooping him up into his arms. "Would you like a warm kiss from Dada?" He proposes sweetly, pucking his lips in a comedic way that makes Dong-sun giggle.

He nods and Jimin starts to unleash a flood of honeyed pecks of love all over his face, making his giggles increase. You find yourself lightly chuckling too. Jimin being not only the most devoted husband but devoted father in the world fulfilled you with pure happiness.

The door swings open to reveal the same smiling Hoseok. You start to question why he's not beating your ass for being late instead until you notice his ruffled hair and the undone button of his jeans. "Welcome to our humble abode!"

As you all enter, you smile at him knowingly with a shake of your head. "You might want to button your jeans."

The inside is spot clean as always, everything in place and the cushion tilted on the couches a certain way. If it's any other way, it'd be easy to say that a Jung Hoseok doesn't live here.

"Yoongs, my man." Jimin greets, slapping Yoongi's hand and pulling him into a bro hug.

It's harder to spot Yoongi these days. After he decided to finally give up the mint green hair, he settled for a dark shade of black that can't have suited him more. His eyes light up when he sees Dong-sun, his lips pulling back to reveal his joyous gummy smile while he opens his arms to the young boy.

"Dong-sun! How's my hero?" Dong-sun rushes into his arms, giggling happily as he gets picked up by the strong man and swung around.

Hoseok sneers from behind you, "Lil fucker never runs into my arms."

You kick his leg, earning a grunt as you scold him, "No swearing." Sometimes you felt like you had to scold your own best friend more than your own son.

Nudging him subtly while your son played with Yoongi, you give him the gift bag.

"Oh?", He says, looking down. "What's this? You actually didn't forget?"

"Of course, I didn't.", You say not convincingly enough.

He rolls his eyes, knowing you too well, as he accepts the gift.

"Just do me a favour and don't open it in front of Dong-sun."

Hoseok's eyebrows raise, a small smile curving his lips. "I guess Yoongi and I are having a lot of fun tonight."

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