•twenty two•

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Jimin's not like him, you persuade yourself for the hundredth time

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Jimin's not like him, you persuade yourself for the hundredth time.

It's crazy. Only a few months ago when you met him, you had never once thought that you could leave your future in his hands. A man who seemed so cold and selfish was now putting his free time and hard effort into something he's not going to benefit from at all.

You trust the man holding your hand because he won't fail you. Not like he did.

Jimin breaks eye contact, a broad and charming smile whipping away his teeth as the curtain draws. Hand in hand, the two of you walk out onto the stage, claiming the rightful spotlight.

You don't look at the judges, you don't look at the audience. You look at the orange haired man, gripping his hands as tight as possible as your heart thuds the terrifying feeling all over your body.

Until the music starts, and it overwhelms all your suffocating thoughts.

It's just like you had practised, all the hard work and long hours finally paying off, fitting your bodies on stage for the perfect performance.

You give it your all, throwing every ounce of energy in your veins into your movements. The vibrant music elevates you and Jimin whenever he throws you into the air and reliably catches you with his muscular arms, earning loud amused and approving screams from the crowd instantly.

And when it's all over, everything disappears. The music, the judges, the audience.

It's just you and him, lost in each other's eyes while the unbreakable bond of trust doesn't falter.


"Holy shit!" Hoseok curses, crouching to Yoongi's level as he examines Yoongi's constant bleeding over his crumpled body with bulging eyes.

The cold slashes through his ripped leather jacket, sweat running cold while it mixes with the trickling blood that threatens to end his life.

When Hoseok had screamed his name from afar, the three buff men had whipped their masked heads around, eyes growing wide and blood dripping from their knuckles before they sped off in the other direction as if they were never there.

To be honest, Hoseok wouldn't have known what he would have done if they had run in his direction. Yoongi's name had unwillingly struck out his mouth and all he knew was that keeping him alive was his top priority.

Magically, the man of his dreams had managed to shut up the screaming voices in his head for once.

"Uhm, okay. Just stay calm. Don't panic!" Hoseok continues, his voice increasing in pitch and shakiness the more injuries and cuts he witnesses. The guys must have used more weapons than just their body parts.

He keeps reaching out and retracting his hands, wanting to badly help but doesn't know how. It's not like he's a fricking doctor or anything. All he can see is whole lotta blood.

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