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Just how many towels this man owned was a mystery

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Just how many towels this man owned was a mystery. Sitting wrapped in his tremendously indulgent snowy white towels; one around your shoulders, one wrapped around your waist, one covering your lap, one wound up in your hair. You're completely made up of his towels now.

Jimin stands, holding one of his big sweatshirts and sweatpants as he looks at you dubiously while trying to understand your choice. His lustful gaze has vanished, his eyes vaguely bigger than usual while he raises both eyebrows at you in question.

"Y/N, please just wear my clothes. It'll be a lot more comfortable than staying in wet towels."

You pout, shaking your head as you curl up to nestle deeper into the large towels that drown you in their immense comfort. You didn't care how many sweatshirts or hoodies he offered; you had never found so much luxury in towels like these.

"But these towels are comfy and they're not wet." You argue in a small voice, keeping your puppy eyes on him while you take a sip of the steaming hot chocolate that he made you. Your nose hides into the big purple cup as you drink, the warmth of the mug soothing the skin of your fingers.

Shifting on his couch, you continue to stare at him while he sighs and releases his hands to flop by his side in defeat. With those eyes, he knows there's no point in trying to change your mind.

And despite the low-level tension in the room, you can't help but act like a kid. You're in his home, in his care. So, you make the most of it, acting as if you're all his all over again.

"What if I gave you my old blue hoodie that you love?" His suggestive little smile catches your attention along with his question.

Swallowing the hot liquid as the sweet taste seeps across your taste buds, your eyes broaden faintly "You mean your football one from school? You still have that?"

He nods, grinning at your reaction as he knows he's got you. "Exactly the same one."

Glancing down at the towels then up at him again, you roll your eyes and give up. "Fine."

"Okay!" He says happily, grinning wider as he turns to rush up the stairs "Be right back."

You can't help but smile at his random excitement, not knowing that he couldn't wait to spoil you with as much as love as possible.

The hot chocolate continues to gratify you while you wait for him. Your eyes skim over his living room, mostly observing his pictures. It strikes you a little surprised to find them all as works of art instead of pictures of himself. No trophies or awards on display, no magazine issues of himself stacked on the tables.

Just a few manga comics and video games piled up.

Maybe you had underestimated how much Jimin was left inside him. But it racks your mind unbearably. Whenever you look into his eyes now, you can't seem to tell who it is you're looking at.

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