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"Jimin, I

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"Jimin, I...."

You don't know what to say, empty and indefinite thoughts shadowing the surface of your eyes.

The sentence that he's said to you many times before doesn't mean the same thing anymore. You can see it, you can hear the sincerity in his voice. It's different. He's different.

Where's the smirk? Where's the lustful look in his eyes? The cockiness spreading on his face?

The last time he asked you to dance with him, he was smothered in all these things. His idea of using you for his benefit was distinctly on his face, the way he tried to seduce and manipulate you.

Remembering the memory makes it so hard for you to believe that it's the same man before you now, offering a way out of your miseries.

"We don't even have to split it, you can take every single penny." he says, noticing the rock of hesitation. "Look," he tenderly takes your hands in his, holding the intense stare "You don't need to tell me why you need the money, just dance and trust me. If we work hard together, we'll win for sure."

Does he not want to know? How is he so willing to help when he barely knows you? It could be for the most fucked up reasons that you needed this money. But he doesn't even care.

And for that reason, you're speechless, letting the silence drag on between you.

He takes another step closer "You can trust me."

You swallow your doubt and finally release your decided answer "Okay."

The quiet confirmation lifts his face, his eyes lighting up as a grateful smile makes its way onto his lips. "Okay," he repeats.

You expect him to let go of your hands, but he doesn't, keeping the same kind look as he grins sweetly at you, revealing his perfectly crooked tooth.

In a blink, you inhale a sharp breath, reminding yourself to breathe again. Deciding to pull your own hands away instead, you look elsewhere and then let your eyes fall to the ground as you back away slightly.

Seeing your reaction, Jimin willingly backs away too, no longer keen on making you uncomfortable by invading your personal space without your permission. The unusual feeling of the responsibility to respect women buries itself into him until it doesn't feel weird anymore but right.

You lick your lips quickly and flatten the crease on your jeans.

It was only a matter of how Hoseok would react now.


The mood of the school library had never been more down, happy vibes plummeting to death.

Not a single student roamed the room, no one hiding behind books or writing their lives away on exams. Why would there be? It was the last two lessons, the time where all students attended their specific art lessons. And he was sitting there all alone doing his extra maths homework.

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