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Running into class, you and Hoseok burst through the door, you entrance implying chaos

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Running into class, you and Hoseok burst through the door, you entrance implying chaos. You're both panting heavily from sprinting down the long halls and up the hellish long staircases that led you here.

The entire class pauses, over 40 students stop their beginning stretches to stare at Hoseok's and your sudden appearance. By now you're used to beady eyes cornering you, but judging from Hoseok's gulp you're sure he isn't used to the attention.

"Why are you two late?" a low voice booms, making Hoseok jump beside you.

Turning your head, your eyes fall on a reasonably young man with striking features. His face too extraordinary to be just a teacher. He wears a badge, bold letters spelling out his name "Choi Minho". Below is something that catches your attention the most: "Head of Dance".


This guy's important and the fact you've met him through a bad first impression made you curse at yourself.

"Uh-um, we-" Hoseok stutters, visibly scared of the man glaring at him.

"I got lost finding the studio so he found and helped me." your clear voice cleans the tension in the room.

Mr. Choi shifts his gaze onto you, his eyes shamelessly looking you up and down.

Did this bastard just check me out?

He delivers a simple nod "Extra 10 star jumps for warm up."

Hoseok finds himself being able to breathe again, he bows "Yes, Mr. Choi. So sorry, it won't happen agai-"

You push Hoseok forward, cutting off his long ass apology that the teacher clearly isn't interested in. The two of you find a spot near the back, chucking your bags into a corner and immediately getting into the warm up. Both of you reach down, touching your toes to stretch your bodies.

"Oh look who decided to show up."

You both look up, hearing Mr. Choi's voice speak again.

Jimin walks in, taking his sweet time, a smile lifting the corner of his mouth as he holds his bag over his shoulder. "Sorry, Minho. Had some business."

Mr. Choi shakes his head, chuckling lightly. "Get your ass in the corner."

Jimin gives a low nod instead of a bow and walks over to a space on the other side of the room from you.

A frown clouds your face with suspicion "They seem friendly."

Hoseok shrugs, not bothered as much you are by how easy Jimin was let off. "Every teacher has a favorite."

"Alright!" Mr. Choi projects. All students stand straight, their ears on full attention.

"Hope you all had a wonderful summer break and that you guys did at least some practice." he says, looking sternly over the sea full of heads "If not, you're going to struggle. We're going to start off with a one on one dance battle."

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