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*a bit of mature content ahead*

Steam. Hot. Sweat.

The words pretty much sum up Jimin's Saturday morning of his hardcore work out. Minutes ago, he had ditched his shirt, growing riled with the suffocating feeling of the cloth sticking to his chocolate abs with trickling sweat, his skin itching to breathe again.

The bass explodes from his speaker, pulsing across his room and pumping his energy to finish his twentieth pull up, his knuckles whirling white as he grips the steel bar at the roof of his wardrobe door. The veins around his biceps making themselves defined as he relies on them to lift his body until he reaches his destination. His chin finally rises above the metal bar until it reaches his chest.

Feeling content, his fingers uncurl, freeing his body from the height. He lands gracefully and turns around, in search for a clean towel. In the process his eyes land on a petite woman. She leans against the door frame of his room as she plays an enthralled smile on her face.

"Why'd you stop? I was enjoying the show." Jennie tells a startled Jimin, holding a smirk of her own.

His momentary surprised expression dissipates, a frown taking its place to display the clear disappointment of her presence. "Who let you in?"

She scoffs, the impressed aspect vanishing from her eyes. "And hello to you too."

Jimin overlooks her offended look and digs into his closet, drawing out a white towel from a pile.

"Your mom let me in." she finally notifies, eyes drifting up and down his form as he dabs the dripping sweat off his toned golden skin. "I think she's becoming a fan of me."

After dabbing his face, he pulls the towel down to reveal his snickering face "I highly doubt that. She knows I have girls around all the time."

"Not recently as far as I know." she replies wittily, leaning off the door frame. She takes her focus off the alluring man, inspecting his room to pick up any signs of another girl. Her long brown hair falls down her small back, just reaching the rim of her short skirt. "Your mom tells me you've been quite lonely for the last few weeks."

He tosses the towel on the floor, thinning his eyes on the mysterious girl disrupting his peaceful weekend "I wouldn't say lonely. Just-"

"Oh, don't worry. I didn't mean it like that." she cuts him off, resting her look on him again. "I'm just surprised by how much we used to fuck, you don't seem to miss my body that much."

She playfully sets herself on the dark blue sheets of his bed, facing him as she leans her weight on the palms of her hands.

Jimin shrugs callously "I've just been busier recently, don't have the time."

One eyebrow raises off her face deviously "With what?"

As if to suddenly answer her question, his phone rings, your name coming to life on the screen. Both look to the dancing phone vibrating on the wood of his bed table.

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