•twenty five•

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Hoseok examines the massive lunch line, a list of famished students that stand one after the other as it draws into forever and there is no visible end

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Hoseok examines the massive lunch line, a list of famished students that stand one after the other as it draws into forever and there is no visible end.

It's been more than twenty minutes since the cue last moved and he's the only person who stands with a toothy smile while everyone else carries hefty frowns, indulging themselves in dull conversations, complaining about homework or talking about last weekend's parties. He shines the most, a bright aura bouncing off his skin while he projects it with his gleaming set of teeth.

And there's only one reason for it. That reason just so happens to be a beautiful, mint haired, skinny boy.

He's sure he's never felt this happy before. The usual school day where everything would drag on into the depths of hell has finally turned around. His most hated lessons were actually enjoyable. He's been flashing his sweetest smile to all of the despicable bitches and bullies around school, even when they gave him the weirdest of looks back.

It was a normal thing by now to always be at the end of the cue due to his fractured ankle, he was never able to reach the cafeteria in time before all the best meals and food was taken. But today he doesn't care. Bland gooey rice and salty cucumber soup appears like the most delicious meal he's ever seen.

It's strange what a kiss from the boy you're in love with can do to someone.

But there's always the bad side of events to even things out.

A few steps down the line behind Hoseok, low voices gossip away. He almost doesn't catch the conversation until...he hears his name.

"....Hoseok and Yoongi."

The two names are spoken through a hushed voice, barely audible.

"No way. I thought Yoongi was straight as fuck though, when did he start kissing boys?"

His heart shatters.

No. Not today, why?

"God knows, I bet you Hoseok begged him though. Remember when he was so desperate, he begged Taehyung? Like get a life you freak."

Hoseok swallows harshly, hoping the lump building up in his throat will disappear before he turns around thrashes whoever's talking.

"I mean, everyone kind of forgot about that. Why would he go and do it again?"

"Probably ran out of attention."

His teeth distraughtly tug on the inside flesh of his bursting mouth, hands shaking so violently that he clenches them into fists. Their words cut straight to his heart, slicing every ounce of happiness that's supposed to be gracing him.

Silently, instead of cursing at them he pleads for an answer in his head how they can say such things. Where do people find all this hate in themselves that they have to spew them into harmful words about other people? Do they not stop to think how powerful their words are?

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