•thirty seven•

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A/N: Yh, I had no motivation to study so thought I'd whip up a chapter. Also, stupid ass gifs won't load so my dearest apologies.

It should have been just like any other day. A normal day. Where you get up late, then get to work late, film other people dancing in hushed torture, see Hoseok or Yoongi on the way home and then possibly get a good fuck from one of your crazy ex boyfriends.

But it wasn't. It was far from normal. This kind of scene only ever showed up in your dreams here and there, times when you'd wake up feeling odd and confused. You would always curse yourself whenever you thought about him but no matter how hard you tried, he'd always slip back into your thoughts.

And now finally, after six years. Park Jimin, who has literally been the man of your dreams, is sitting opposite of you in a café.

You can't help but stare at him intently, studying, watching his every move. With a sturdy furrow in your eyebrows, your eyes stare deep into his as you try to untie the knotted strings.

He wears an awkward smile, momentary side glances and tendency to pretend to be interested in something else in the café. His uncomfortable body language sells him, all his confidence stripped from his muscular body.

The fresh smart black suit he wears does nothing for him. Every inch of stupidity and guilt seeping through the smooth silk of his blazer.

Reaching out, he unsteadily grabs his cup of coffee and forces himself to take a sip while he tries to dismiss the boiling liquid burning his tongue. Great, even his coffee hates him.

"So," he clears his throat for the hundredth time but no matter how many times he does it, the awkwardness doesn't hesitate to slip back into his tone. He sits back, breaking a small smile. "How are you?"

"How did you find me?" Your instant follow up shows how disinterested you are in playing nice. Crossed arms and crossed legs, you haven't even touched the coffee he kindly ordered for you.

Jimin swallows, observing the poor drink sitting idly as it waits for the air to brush off its steam. "Hoseok. I kinda bumped into him by business."

A scoff escapes your lips, sparing him a chance to breathe as you look away. "Damn it. I knew it."

He looks up, eyes catching onto a faded dark red mark imprinted on your neck as your head turns. Automatically, his nails dig into the cloth of his trousers, a prickly feeling resonating within him for a different reason now.


"You must be pretty busy these days."

Your head draws back to him, eyebrows knotting further as your forehead creases. You try to track down the change of tone in his voice. "Is that supposed to mean something?"

He shrugs, leaning back as he pokes his tongue into the inside of his cheek. "Looks like you're enjoying yourself, that's all." He scratches his neck on purpose before glancing out the window.

Suddenly cautious, you grasp your neck where Jungkook had left numerous of hickeys last night. There's a short feeling of shame before you remind yourself there's nothing to be ashamed about. Jimin had his chance, he's the one who blew it.

"And so, what? I've been doing better things with my life than just sleeping around, you know." Your glare on him only seems to tighten as you watch his disturbed state stare out the window. "I'm sure it's not like you haven't been doing anything different."

He holds his stare out the window, unable to bring himself to look you properly in the eye anymore because he knows you're right. A faint sigh follows as he breathes out "I have been doing other things as well, Y/N."

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