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The two of you sit on the stiff bed of the school nurses room. By the looks of Hoseok, you had thought to take him to the hospital. But after thinking it quickly threw, the school was nearer and the treatment would be free. So with difficulty you managed to bring him here.

"Hoseok, please just tell me who did this to you?"

Your friend stays dead silent as he stares at the floor, soundlessly shaking his head as an answer to your question. The school nurse attending his wounds, wraps the bandage around his ankle a little too tight, making him wince as he twitches at the pain.

It hurts you to see him like this. Dried blood sticks to the corner of his mouth, a colorful bruise starting to form around his jaw to show the severeness of his injuries. His uniform is stained with dust and his trousers are torn slightly at the knee.

You place a hand on his and use your other hand to gently turn his head to face you. "Listen to me, if you're not going to tell me then we can't get back at this person. He's just going to get away with it."

Instead of pushing your hand away, Hoseok keeps his eyes locked on yours and replies straight away "I want him to get away with it, Y/N. Everything else would just make it so much more complicated."

You didn't know what he meant by that but he did. He knew Taehyung's family. The high reputation the Kim's had, the money they earned, the manipulative things they could do by the snap of their fingers. If Hoseok were to take any revenge, press any charges or even just tell a teacher, he fears what would happen to him as a consequence.

Taehyung never used to be like the rest of his family. He never used to parade in red Ferrari's and wear Gucci 24/7. The many times he used to confess to Hoseok how he's so glad he's not like them and how he never will be. But things change and so do people.

Even the thought of Taehyung's threat makes him shiver.

Hoseok pulls away your hand from his face, not able to stare at your misunderstanding in your eyes. The nurse cuts the bandage and wraps around the last layer before sticking it on.

"Great." you say, using a happier tone to lift the mood. "You're done."

You stand up, placing your hands on Hoseok to help him off the bed. But before he can move, the nurse puts a hand on his leg to stop him. "No, he's not. I still need to tend his facial wounds."

Hoseok sighs, shoulders slumping as he shuffles back onto the uncomfortable high bed. You slump back down too, glancing at the time. Registration still wasn't finished, you guys still had time.

You fiddle with your fingers, cleaning out your nails and then clicking your knuckles out to busy yourself. You watch the nurse as she tries to carefully wipes the blood but still earns a grimace of pain.

"He'll be able walk normally soon, right?"

Hoseok looks to the nurse, flickering hope in his eyes. But the nurse simply shakes her head, shattering everything. "I'm sorry, but it's going to take a while."

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