•twenty one•

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First class airplane seats and now a five-star hotel

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First class airplane seats and now a five-star hotel.

Damn. One hour in Seoul and you're already loving it.

The slick walls of the tall building had soared over the new couple. Just two young lovers waltzing into the richest hotel of Seoul to snatch a reward of the most famous dance competition of Asia.

Everything seemed a bit unrealistic. Almost as if it was a scene seized straight out of a movie. And this was the good part, the part where everything would be alright. Where everything hadn't gone to hell.


Arriving at the biggest city in Korea, you expected to be overshadowed. But walking past the sophisticated men and women, you discovered eyes hovering over you and sunglasses tilted down to get a look at the golden pair.

Jimin keeps his hand on your hip, keeping you close by his side as he grips your backpack in his other hand.

No matter how many times you had refused, he didn't listen. Stopping at nothing until you're treated like a queen.

Secretly, you don't mind it.

Whipping the hotel key card out of his pocket to, he earns a delightful sound of a click as he inserts it, signifying the unlock of the varnished door.

"I thought the school booked two rooms?" you question, looking up from the key.

"They did," he says, a sly smile glued to the corners of his mouth "But I changed a few things."

He pushes the door away, revealing the huge room. Once again, your breath is stolen away by magnificent architecture.

The bright sun shines through the open balcony, showering its divine light over the polished room to illuminate the austere white walls. Enhancing the vivid colours of the crimson cushions rimmed with golden while they rest on the glamourous sofa's and the exquisite pictures on the walls, bringing the graceful paints to life.

You let your jaw roll onto the polished floor, taking in the unworldly sight of the room. A small laugh exits Jimin's chest, his eyes growing small as he adores your shocked expression. "Happy?"

You answer his question with a simple nod, scolding your jaw to get rid of your gape.

Walking deeper, with a glance to your left you find the second part of the suite. Where in the centre of the large room lies a king-sized bed, red velvet silk sheets flowing over the smooth surface of the mattress.

You truly do feel like a queen.

Your boyfriend follows slowly behind you, his warming presence changing the atmosphere of the room. "I'm already imagining how we're going to destroy this bed."

His sinful words steal the red colour from the sheets, placing it onto your cheeks instead. Tugging the corner of your loose shirt, your shoulder becomes bare, inviting his lips to lower to the skin and grace the surface with a delicate kiss. Wrapping his fingertips around the strap of your bra, he slowly slides it down, freeing your shoulder entirely.

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