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Let's take it back to 4 years ago

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Let's take it back to 4 years ago

There's no need to describe this god-awful bar again. It probably makes everyone wonder why anyone keeps coming back to this place repeatedly out of all the places in Seoul.

God knows.

It's been a solid year since you escaped the hospital and the asshole of a boyfriend you once had. All you knew is that he had left you first, leaving your injured ass to fend for yourself. Your plan of moving back to America had disappeared. With your mother or not, you had no intention in returning to that place.

The idea had seemed sensible. A guy you thought you were incredibly in love with just fucked you over, why not leave the country and never see his fake ass again?

Something had prompted you to stay. Hoseok.

As hurt as you were, you knew you wouldn't be able to survive anything without him. Especially in a time like this, you weren't going to miss the opportunity of having him close by your side.

But that also meant putting up with the annoying ass side of him.

"Go talk to him." Hoseok urges, observing the man that just sent a drink over for you from the tiny booth where the three of you sit.

"No and stop looking at him like that!" you tell him instantly as you smack his shoulder, keeping your head low so your hair covers most of your face from the flirtatious stranger.

Yoongi chuckles, his arm around Hoseok as he sets his drink down again. "Come on, Y/N. A little chat won't hurt."

An eccentric unstable laugh exits your chests. "Uh, yes. Yes, it would. Must I remind you I haven't gone out a date for two years. Hence, I've forgotten how to talk to men." Your hands dig into the peanut bowl, restlessly stuffing your mouth as you let the overpowering salt sting your taste buds.

"Hence, you should probably start now. You need to get back into the game, Y/N." Hoseok pushes, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.

"Ugh." you scorn at his words. "Cause that's all love is. A heart-breaking, torturous, stupid game."

"Oh my god, would you listen to yourself? You need some fucking closure."

"He's got a point." Yoongi agrees with his boyfriend, his shoulders offering a reasonable shrug.

"Well, I can do that on my own. I am a strong independent woman who don't need no man. And Hobi, stop waving at him!" You slap his waving arm, causing his smile to drop and glare at you. "Just drop it, okay?"

Hoseok gives up, leaning back into Yoongi's embrace sullenly. "Fine."

"Fine." you breathe out, reaching out for your glass as your tensed shoulders finally relax.

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