•thirty one•

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Every time Hoseok looks at you, he feels his blood draining

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Every time Hoseok looks at you, he feels his blood draining. Your dying state kills him as well, slowly and silently. An unbearable emotion riling up in his bones.

He doesn't want to be in this room, he hates it. He wants to escape from the four enclosing white stale walls that imprison the anguish upon him, tugging him into the dark voids of his mind.

But at the same time, he doesn't want to leave. He swears he will never leave. Not until you decide to awaken and crawl back into his arms again, seeking the hug he's been wanting to give ever since you left Busan.

Sadly, you were just as persistent as him.

"You were always a stubborn bitch." he voices, carelessly spitting out a harmless insult.

A precarious sigh leaves his mouth as he leans forward, placing his head in his hands while it rests his elbows on his trembling knees. He keeps his eyes fixated upon your hands, wishing they would move, twitch, anything.

A world without his best friend is something he doesn't even want to imagine. You're the most beautiful miracle that's ever entered his life. He can't think where he would even be if he had never mistaken your locker for his, if he really let his challenging and anxious thoughts convince him to not approach you that day.

He had been so lonely for such a long time, he had forgotten what it was like to have a friend.

"You gave me so much, Y/N." he says aloud. "You gave me my confidence back, you gave me your friendship, you gave me Yoongi and I am so so thankful."

He doesn't care whether you can hear him or not, he just needs to say this whilst he still can.

"But if you leave me here like a selfish asshole, I seriously don't know what I'm going to do with my life."

Nothing. No response. No movement.

The still air weighs on his shoulders, pushing them down in disappointment.

Hoseok sucks in his breath, shaking his head. His fists clench, ready to punch through a wall and tear it down brick by brick. The worst part is that he can only do absolutely nothing, there's no way he can help you now.

By some miracle, you probably had sensed his frightening temper, the very tip of your finger...twitches. And he catches it.

Straight onto his feet, he rushes to your bed, feeling like all the air in the room has just been stolen. "Y/N, Y/N, can you hear me? Are you awake? Y/N?"

He urgently shakes your shoulder lightly and caresses your face softly. With a small flutter of your eyelids, it sends Hoseok more hope. "Y/N! Please, keep fighting if you can hear me! You're strong, you can do this."

And with the final stroke of his command, your eyes flutter deeply as if you really are fighting as hard as you can and they lastly fully open.


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