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Light streams into the windows of the second lesson, lighting up the classroom to let the students know it's still too early in the day to be falling asleep

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Light streams into the windows of the second lesson, lighting up the classroom to let the students know it's still too early in the day to be falling asleep.

Even though Mr. Kim Seokjin's handsome features keeps most of the girls awake, only to stare at him and letting everything he teaches fly over their heads, most of the boys heads lie flat on the desk, their limp bodies fast asleep.

Jimin, however, is not one of these boys. For the first time in a while, he's actually wide awake during Physics and there's only one reason for it.

His eyes stay fixated on you, never seeming to getting bored of looking at you. Throughout lesson, every time you would even slightly move your head in his direction, his eyes would drop straight down to his book or shift to Mr. Kim. But no matter how many times he tries to distract himself, he finds his eyes landing on you once again, finding your presence itself, intriguing.

He watches you busily scribble doodles into your book, your head slumped and hunched posture showing you obviously aren't interested. Once again, a yawn escapes from you and you don't even bother to lift your hand to cover your mouth, evidently not caring whether anybody is looking at you. 

Jimin smirks, leaning back in his chair as twirls his pencil between his fingers.

He tries to figure you out. You're just about the only girl in the classroom who's not swoon by Mr. Kim's looks, you don't care about yawning excessively in public and most of all, when the hottest fuckboy checked you out while kissing someone else, you didn't even blush but scoffed.


Jimin can't remember the last time a girl scoffed at him.

Maybe she likes white guys more.

Just like everyone else, he's aware of where you came from. Not only does he find it weird that such pretty girl is ignoring him but also the fact that you were from a different background intrigues him even more.

Jimin was getting a bit tired of girls throwing themselves at him. He was looking for a bit of a challenge. He has already slept with a teacher but it would be too risky to do it again, so in other words this was the perfect task.

Already thinking of the way he's going to get you under his finger, he smiles to himself.


As soon the bell rings, your body shoots out of the chair, desperate to make an escape from the deathly boring atmosphere that hung in the gray classroom.

You carry yourself to your locker, already feeling exhausted. You wonder how the hell you're going to survive the rest of the day, thinking about the other numerous times you're going to have pinch yourself just to keep yourself awake.

You had felt eyes on you during the entire lesson and you had a pretty good idea who it was. Throughout the hour you tried to distract yourself by doodling, resisting the urge to turn around and flip him off.

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