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The amount of times you debated going back to Jimin's apartment after your exceedingly long day with Hoseok were infinite

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The amount of times you debated going back to Jimin's apartment after your exceedingly long day with Hoseok were infinite. The one thing that was stopping you was homework. You had homework, that's right. You'd think even after spending nearly two decades of your life in school, you would have the luxury of not having to deal with homework anymore.

Although, that's not the case. In adult language, this 'homework' is called responsibilities. Such as bills and more documents you had to figure out that you swore you had never seen before. So, with all that shit on your back and knowing you probably wouldn't be able to get anything done with the most gorgeous angel on the planet right in front of you.

You decided to spend your evening being lonely in your own apartment.

But as you're climbing up the stairs, you don't feel tired. When you get your door and twist the key inside, you don't let out your daily length sigh of being fed up with the world. Even just those things suddenly become something to be happy about.

You can't explain it. You're just so.... happy. As if you had been carrying this huge weight on shoulders all these years.

Smiling for absolutely no reason at all, you enter your apartment. The heavy bags clutched in your hands feel unbelievably light weight and you place them gently near the door before heading into your dining room.

However, when you do, your bright smile drops to the floor.

"Hey babe." Jungkook says with a welcoming grin, setting down the last fork on the table. It was filled with appetizing food for two and beautiful sets of cutleries as well as two candles lit right in the middle to add to the magnificent glow of the meal.

"Uh, h-hey."

Fuck, you think to yourself, how could you forget about him?

He moves around the table with a cheerful face and you take an uncomfortable step back. Nonetheless, he easily closes the small distance you try to create and takes you in his arms, planting a small kiss on your lips.

Baffled, you don't know what to do or what to tell him. Your arms lightly rest on his biceps, nowhere near returning the same comfort he's giving you. "How was your day, beautiful?"

"Uhm, pretty good." You answer, trying to wriggle out of his grip unnoticeably. You don't want to upset him but at the same time you don't want to lie to him.

You have someone else now. How are you going to tell him that without breaking his heart?

He notices your discomposure straightaway, leaning his face closer to yours as he tries to analyse your expression. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing." You tell him nervously, but he's not so easily fooled. He stays as tenacious as his grip around you.

"Come on, Y/N. You can tell me anything." He says gently, sincerely concerned about your behaviour. "Nothing a kiss can't fix, right?"

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