•forty three•

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"Bitch, you're coming over ASAP

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"Bitch, you're coming over ASAP." Hoseok commanded, his voice fully serious.

As happy as you were for him, squealing uproariously and laughing with him in the corner of the kitchen, you were continuously glancing over at Jimin who just sat and ate his pancakes while rubbing his forehead from all the noise. When Hoseok told you to come over you looked over at your boyfriend squirting just about the entire bottle of golden syrup onto his breakfast and sighed.

"Like this afternoon or-?"

"Nu-uh." Hoseok cuts you off stubbornly "Now. I'm not waiting long to have this wedding which means we gotta plan and shop quickly."

"But how the hell am I gonna help when you're just going to diss all my suggestions?" you partly whined, thinking back to how much Hoseok judged your taste every time you guys went shopping.

"But that's what makes it more fun because I can educate you on what a good sense of style actually looks like." You can hear his smirk through the phone and a roll of your eyes naturally comes. "So, hurry the fuck up and get your fat ass over here. We're going to a card shop first to buy the invitations."

You're about to protest again but he hangs up and you quietly groan into the dead phone.

No lie, you hated shopping but since this was your best friend getting married to your other best friend. It wasn't something you should be complaining about, it's something you should be there with them to support them all the way.

Switching your screen off, you approach Jimin from behind the stool and wrap your arms around his waist. You plant a kiss on his shoulder, the side of his neck and then eventually his left cheek. He smiles at your tender touch, rubbing your arms locked around him and swallowing his food before asking "Can't tell if it's good news or someone died from all the screaming I just heard."

Chuckling, you rest your chin on his shoulder. "Hobi's getting married."

"Really?" he spins around and your arms unlock from his figure. He places his hands on your hips, pulling you in closer and your arms twist around his neck instead as you smile down at him. "That's amazing, who's the poor guy?"

You slap his shoulder at his joke and he grins. "Yoongs."

His grin falls "Yoongi?"

"Yeah," you say, unsure of his reaction "Is that a bad thing?"

"No, I'm just shocked that they're still going on after all this time." He tells you but you knew what he was really thinking. You could read everything pass those deep brown orbs.

Yoongi was one of the people he tried to shove to the back of his mind all these years too. Hearing his name now brought back all the guilt and regret of leaving his best friend behind just like that.

"You should talk to him, you know." You suggest, gently. Your eyes easily let him how concerned you are.

He shakes his head and says sadly "No, I don't think he'd want that."

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