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*Steamy content ahead*

The never-ending halls spin you into an eternity of walking, passing the refined appealing white walls that manage to over shine you, stealing the spotlight away to make you feel like a helpless lost girl wandering around endlessly

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The never-ending halls spin you into an eternity of walking, passing the refined appealing white walls that manage to over shine you, stealing the spotlight away to make you feel like a helpless lost girl wandering around endlessly. You didn't realize that you were going to be checking approximately fifty rooms, it would leave you the whole night to wander.

Your heels throb at your ankles, begging you to take a rest before your feet fall off. Room after room, you enter and exit, sighing as your eyes oddly can't seem to capture any signs of a bathroom.

Was it really a bathroom you were looking for though?

That's what you were telling yourself but subconsciously your body was driving you further for a different reason, trying catch a glimpse of a certain someone.

Hand grasping a glass handle, you turn it and push open the stainless door. You peek in, entering as you lazily glance around the room. In a split second, your eyes fall on a half-naked man standing near a bed, his hands clutching a black shirt and his back slightly turned away from you.

"Oh!" you let out before you can stop yourself, embarrassed to have walked in so recklessly. "I'm so sorry, I should have knocked."

You take a step back, about to leave until the man completely turns around, facing you. As he realizes who's just interrupted, he gives you a smirk, "I'm glad you didn't."

Damn it, the orange hair you had been eyeing out for, you should have known.

You freeze in your spot, hand still on the door knob as you lose control of your limbs. Foolishly, your eyes drop from Jimin's smirking face to his gleaming chest and then finally to his defined abs. Above his black leather belt they appear as if god had carved them himself.

Fuck me

You tear your eyes off them, but it's too late, you had already stared for longer than you should have, basically spelling out the dirty thoughts in your head. You feel the heat covering your cheeks, turning them as red as tomato when your eyes meet his. As a result, Jimin's smirk deepens knowingly, he chucks his shirt on the bed, making his way over.

Your body goes into panic mode, shouting at you to escape.

"Well, this was fun, but I gotta go pee so..." you tell him gawkily with a tone of urgency. You rotate yourself to move as speedily as you can to exit the room, your heat beating rapidly as your inches away from freedom. But in seconds, a masculine hand plants itself on the door from behind you, slamming it shut.

Eyes shocked and wide at the swift approach, you stare at the bare hand pressed against the door. Feeling his dangerous body heat surrounding you as it seeps through your skin to your bones, his warm breath hits the back of your bare neck and it slides down your spine sending shivers.

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