•twenty six•

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What are you doing here?

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What are you doing here?

That's the first question that shoots to your mind, imposing your thoughts into muddles of alarm and confusion. That's what you want to ask him, but his presence is so hard to believe that your brain malfunctions and your tongue ties into a knot, denying you the right of speech.

He continues to smile enchantingly. "What a coincidence huh?" His tongue momentarily slips out to lick the corner of his top lip as his eyes roam over your body. "You're looking as beautiful as ever."

You shoot him a scowl, taking his compliment as a cold-hearted insult.

Using only your eyes to communicate with him, he ignores them, taking the opportunity to speak again. "You're in Korea." he states, fake surprise of question in his tone.

"And you're out of jail." you spit, raising one eyebrow suspiciously at him.

At the mention of 'jail', his confidence descends for a second, the mention bringing back disturbing memories. Briefly glancing at his feet, he replies "Yeah, well. You're not the only one with rich parents, Y/N."

"Stop doing that." you vigorously tell him through gritted teeth.

He narrows his stare, genuinely confused "Stop what?"

"Stop saying my name as if it actually means something to you."

Jungkook pauses, features running emotive while he lets a few seconds of ear-splitting silence pass to let your words sink in. "It does."

The more he talks the more your anger builds, hands clenching into ready fists "No, it fucking doesn't and you know it. You can't honestly be saying that after what you fucking did."

You convince yourself not to be fooled by the sorrow in his wide orbs, his face growing wary with hurt. "Y/N, I-"

"Y/N." Jimin appears from behind, holding his arm around your waist as he arrives to your rescue. He hastily looks between you and Jungkook with cautious eyes as he immediately senses the tense atmosphere. "Got someone to introduce me to?"

Jungkook's stare leaves you, shooting straight from Jimin's figure to his hand protectively clutching your waist, any emotion leaves his eyes and the stone-cold look returns to his face. He digs a knife straight back into Jimin's eyes, increasing the tension further.

You throw a sideways glance to your boyfriend, utterly scared what's going to happen. By Jimin's question you're sure he hasn't figured out who Jungkook is yet, you never told him his name so you can easily introduce him without any more information.

Judging from how violent and angry he got when he saved you from Minho, you can't possibly imagine what he would do to Jungkook. And while you know Jungkook does deserve every beating he would get, you can't do this to him now. You need to focus on the real reason you're here tonight.

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