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The atmosphere of the library is quiet but it's not a peaceful or a nice quiet

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The atmosphere of the library is quiet but it's not a peaceful or a nice quiet. It makes your brain go fuzzy as you enter.

Multiple students sit at tables, noses buried in books, pens scribbling away in hope of shoving more information into their memory. There's a table full of nerds who study for the fun of it, a table full of goody two shoes who study to please their parents and then there's the table you belong to: those who burn themselves out for hours to achieve at least a pass on exams.

Walking down the aisles, you pass the intimidating stacks of books bursting of knowledge you know you will never understand. It feels like they're laughing at you and no matter how quiet everyone is, you're the only one who can hear the snickering of the pages.

Your fingers trace along the books, hunting for the one book title you want. You come to a stop as you approach the Physics section, eyes traveling up and down until they land on your target.

"Aha" you quietly say to yourself, a pleased grin slipping onto your lips.

Raising yourself on your tiptoes, a hand stretches up high to grab the textbook you need, finger tips just brushing the edge of it. You mutter a curse word and strain yourself to reach higher, hand finally clutching onto the tall textbook.

"Need a little help?"

A small shriek leaves your throat at the sudden voice. The textbook falls from your loose grip and you spin around, almost tripping when your heels meet the ground again.

Without any fuss the textbook falls straight into Jimin's hand as he swiftly catches it from hitting the ground, saving it from the harsh thud.

A hush full of 'shh's fill the library, glares sent to the couple standing idly.

Jimin ignores them, giving you a look as if he's silently laughing at you. "So you're not only short but a scaredy cat too?"

You quickly recover yourself from the scare and let your hand fall off your chest.

"You're the one to talk."

Throwing the insult in his face, you turn on your heel and walk deeper into the aisles to escape his presence.

His mouth falls agape at the comment as he replaces your footsteps with his own. He lets out a soft whine "Hey, I'm not short."

Taking a turn, you enter an empty aisle, finding yourself going further away from the studying students. "So you're saying you're a scaredy cat then?" you shoot back, hoping he'd give up and leave.

But he doesn't, taking his slow strides after you. "Not really, but I know how scared you are." His voice turns serious, a low pitch that sends shivers down your spine.

It causes you to keep walking, no longer having a purpose of searching for a book but to escape. Your plan fails miserably as you end up in the last aisle. The section where the books were full of dust, signalling you that no one ever comes down here.

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