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Practice dance




Practice more dance



More dance


More More

And more dance

Hoseok feels the vibration of the dance studio walls, begging the music to give him more energy to keep dancing. But the soft keys of the piano song barely lifts his mood, instead delivering him with a sweet melody that only made him want to go to sleep. 

Who knew that such a graceful dance style like contemporary could be so tiring?

After hours and hours of practice the young gentleman was still working his body till the very end, burning every muscle in him to perfect his moves. His repeated tries never ending as his disappointment in himself only seems to build.

Every time he thought even just once of going home and finally resting his sore body, another side of him would instantly remind him of the competition. He didn't want to disappoint his teacher or his parents or you. And most of all he didn't want Jimin to win so easily.

Even if he was still going to fail, he wasn't going to let that cocky boy win without a fight.

It wasn't anything unusual for students to stay late at school to practice anyway. Especially a student like Yoongi.

Through the narrow space of the window on the door, Yoongi watches the tired man grace out his beautiful moves with his elegant body. His eyes fixating on each movement with amusement.

He had already finished his practice up in the music studio but on the way out, his favorite piano song caught his ears and it lead him here, watching an alluring man fill up the entire studio with his own presence.

Yoongi couldn't help but stare, mouth slightly hanging open. His hand tempts himself to open the door, sneak in and watch the man properly. Since he's always been a forward man himself, he doesn't let another thought stop him.

Sadly, as soon as the door opens, Hoseok stops while catching the sight of him entering in the mirror. Seeing Yoongi's sudden presence sends a high pitched scream straight out of his lungs, overpowering the music.

Yoongi's small body backs into the wall, surprised by how high the man before him actually screamed. The two stare at each other, an awkward silence tearing down any thing the two were thinking to say.

"Uh, hi." Yoongi says, in a deep voice, expression completely serious "I didn't mean to scare you."

Hoseok can barely speak, his cheeks reddening by the second. This was his first time talking to his crush, he hadn't had time to prepare at all.

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