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Hand in hand, the tremendously restless couple bursts into the hospital room, creating a brusque commotion as they tear away the stiff silence

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Hand in hand, the tremendously restless couple bursts into the hospital room, creating a brusque commotion as they tear away the stiff silence.

The first thing to capture to their anxious eyes is you. Your crumpled condition with skin of a pale ghost, appearing too dead to even possibly be alive.

Then beside you, Jimin sits. His head resting on the side of the bed as he still dearly holds your hand as if he doesn't plan on ever letting go. Puffy eyes that had finally drawn peacefully shut after crying himself to sleep, his body stays immobile, undisturbed by the ruckus.

Hoseok and Yoongi make their way over, Yoongi more cautious than Hoseok. His feet command him to rush to your side, taking a hold of your other free hand and he feels emotional tears brimming his eyes. "Why...why did it have to be my best friend?"

Yoongi places a hand on his back, rubbing it gently in comfort. He too feels his emotions drop, imploding all the sympathy he can possible give.

With their sudden entrance and Hoseok's soft sobs, Jimin slowly awakes, eyelids fluttering at the presence of his friends. His neck gradually lifts his heavy head.

Seeing Hoseok and Yoongi before him sends warmth to his heart, assured that he doesn't have to go through this alone.

With ruffled orange hair and a raspy grateful voice, he speaks "You guys came..."

Both the boys look to him, instantly noticing how exhausted and distraught the usual cheeky playboy appears. As if someone had drawn underneath his eyes, dark circles embed the sensitive skin. A cut in the corner of his lip stands out from the rest of his injuries, a small plaster on the side of his eyebrow, a mini bruise spreading itself across his cheek bone.

There's hardly as much colour in his face as there should be.

In all the years that Yoongi's known him, he's never seen his friend this torn apart.

"Of course, we did." he acknowledges as he walks round the bed. He lets Jimin stay seated, kneeling to embrace him as he wraps his arms around his friend's-tired body. "I'd do anything to be here for you."

Incredibly thankful, Jimin accepts the hug, letting his body fall limp against him as he savours the hug he's been craving for all night. "Thank you."


"The good news is you have no broken or fractured bones, I have to say it's quite a miracle."

A stranger's voice. Soft, smooth, higher pitched. A doctor? A nurse?

"And what about Y/N? Is she going to be okay?"

Far from a stranger's voice. This the voice everyone only ever dreams about. The voice of an angel.

The voice of your boyfriend, Park Jimin.

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