Chapter 1

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"Share each day with me, each night, each morning..." Sang Christine as she sailed away with Raoul.

Erik noticed that Christine was looking back at him as she sang this verse.

"Could that mean something?" He asked himself.

He shook off the hopeful thought and remembered that Christine would never be his.

"You alone could make my song take flight... It's over now, the music of the night!" He yelled as he began to smash mirrors with a candle holder.

He took one last look at Christine and Raoul and realized that he did the right thing to let her go. Even though he would miss her terribly every single day until he died, she would be happy. She would be with the man she loved... Which apparently, was not Erik.

"I love her, so I want her to be happy... Even if that means I have to say goodbye.... But... The only woman who could ever love me is gone... Why couldn't she accept me? Was she scared of me? Was it my fault? ...Or was it hers? She gave up on me. She could've changed my attitude, but she left with her rich boy... That wench..." Thought Erik.

He heard many voices coming closer and closer to his lair.

"The angry mob! I must escape!" He said aloud.

Luckily, he had a secret escape route. He made it down to the horse stables and got onto his horse's back. He rode off into the night, unsure of where to go. He had brought nothing with him, except for 2 of his masks. Erik rode into the nearest forest. It had only been a short time before he came across a huge building, a castle made of stone. He got off of his horse and walked to the front door. He felt for a handle and his hand came across a piece of paper nailed to the door. Erik could barely read it, but he had enough light. There was a full moon that night. A blood moon. A rare occasion that usually occurred once a year, in which the moon gave off a sickly red glow. Erik liked it. The paper he held read:

"This document officially states that this castle is of Destler property. Any member of the royal Destler Dynasty may inherit it."

"I'm... Royalty?! This castle belongs to me!" He thought.

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