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I couldn't stop a grin forming across my face. I felt warm inside like the sun shone through me. I had potions next with professor Snape, this brought my mood right back down.

I strolled into the dingy basement classroom, it had not one speck of natural light.

"You're late Potter" Snape snapped.

"Sorry professor" I said back.

"As punishment I am taking 10 points from Gryffindor and you will be sitting next to Draco" Snape muttered.

"WHAT!" Me, Ron, Hermione and Draco all said in unison. Regretfully I trudged over and sat next to Draco. He was visibly annoyed. Well, I assumed he was as he inched himself to the other end of his stool.

I took a deep breath, I didn't really know what to do. Should I still act as if I hated him, or should I be friendly towards him? To be perfectly honest I'll do whatever Draco wants.

"Today we will be brewing the Amortentia potion, it is the most powerful love potion," Snape said. I could feel myself start to blush.

Just kill me now Voldemort.

"It causes a powerful infatuation or obsession in the drinker" Snape carried on, "its key characteristics are: its mother of Pearl sheen, it's spiralling steam and it's sent. Who knows what sent it produces?" Hermione's hand shot up. "Yes, Miss Granger?" Snape said annoyed by her attentiveness.

"The Amorthentia potion is multi-faceted and varies based on what the person likes" Hermoine said quickly.

"Yes indeed" Snape replied.

"I have placed ashwinder eggs, rose thorns, peppermint, powdered moonstone and pearl dust on your tables. You may begin to brew the potion" Snape instructed. I wasn't very good at potions, however, Draco was very talented. He set me simple tasks, he was the one who actually brewed the potion.

Snape was pacing around the classroom, he strolled towards Draco's desk which I now shared with him and stopped.

"Excellently brewed master Malfoy" Snape said. Draco nodded respectfully. "What do you smell Mr Potter?" Snape asked sneering at me.

I leant forward to smell the potion.

"I smell....wood, treacle tart and a flowery scent, maybe perfume" I said. Draco bit his bottom lip. The truth was I didn't smell perfume. I smelt spearmint, vanilla, metal, black liquorice and cologne. I smelt Draco. He must have made the potion wrong.

"And what do you smell master Malfoy?" Snape asked.

"I smell old books, grass, a summers breeze, and candle wax" he replied.

"Mmm" snape said and walked away. Draco and I were both blushing. Draco turned to me and gave me a very small, and very faint smile. It was barely recognisable, but I saw it. I gave him a nod and turned back to my book.

"Don't you think Harry and Draco are acting strangely?" Hermoine whispered to Ron.

"Yeah, but wouldn't you if you were made to sit next to your arch-enemy?" Ron answered.

"Mmm I guess so" Hermione answered shrugging her shoulders.

Snape dismissed us from his lesson. I still had to clean up my workspace.

"We'll wait outside for you Harry" Ron shouted. I nodded and started to clean up my cauldron.

"Draco," I said.

"Yes, Potter?" Draco asked.

"Is that what you really smelt?" I had now started to whisper.

Draco nodded.

"Is that what you really smelt?" He asked back.

"No" I whispered.

"What did you really smell?" He asked, almost sounding hopeful.


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