Just Because

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This is never a good explanation, it's not even an explanation. It's being lazy. "My character is an OP badass just because" really showing your writing skills there sweetie. "Just because it's cool" is also lazy. You need an explanation to most things in story. Sometimes characters are the way they are because that's who they are. Sometimes things happen because it's out of their control. But if you have say, a psychopathic killer, then "just because it's cool" isn't going to cut it. Give them a reason for being that way. Even being mentally ill is a better expiation than "just because".

There is always a reason for something as major as that. Even bad luck has been used for a good explanation. Don't be lazy and just write something down for the hell of it, make it make sense in the story or at least to a character. Explaining things is just a feature in writing, if you can't explain something, then maybe leave it out.

You don't have to be specific, sometimes the best way the explain is by leaving hints within the story before it's reveal. Or maybe give a few references and leave it, that allows the reader to think and it's better than nothing.

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